We have just concluded our second attempt at camping. I am not a good camper. I want to be. I am not. I think Nolan wants to be a good camper too, but he doesn't know how to keep his blankets on top of him, so he was too cold at night. We ended up having him sleep at the hotel with Grandma and Grandpa Ligtermoet. Camping is always best with hotel backups! Thank you so much, Mom and Dad, for tending him those two nights. There was some gorgeous scenery at Arches and Canyonlands National Parks. Justin and I think that Heavenly Father creates these breathtaking scenes just to watch all of us gape at it and contemplate the forces behind it. There were really some amazing formations. I felt like my brain was on overload trying to remember everything that we'd need on each day trip: sunblock, sippy cup, jacket, hiking backpack, snacks, cooler packed with lunch, hat, sunglasses, cameras, and on and on.... No matter how I tried, I ALWAYS forgot something. It took two parents, and four grandparent figures to take care of Nolan. I often felt like I was in over my head. What is the deal? Can't I handle one little munchkin? After this trip, I'm pretty sure we'll space our children 3 to 4 years apart. We did enjoy having my parents, Justin's Mom, and her friend Anne along. They are a fun group and I only wish I hadn't been such a basket case. When Nolan doesn't get his naps, Mommy isn't happy. And Daddy suffers most. The best part of the trip was the 2 hour nap we all took in our own beds when we got home! Nothin' like a dusty camping trip to make you appreciate home!