Saturday, July 25, 2009

"Wow, great!"

I'm realizing that there are many funny things that Nolan says that I should be writing down. Last month, while Grandma Sherri was here after our hospital stay, she took Nolan out for a walk. We like to let him run down the sidewalk and decide where to go. It really gets the energy out. Well, as they were walking, my mom said that he came upon a small fishing boat parked on its trailer. He stopped, gasped, and said, "Ocean liner!" Let me just say this: Baby Einstein movies.
And lately, whenever we pull something out of a box, get a baby gift, open a treat, etc. he says, "Wow, great!" Last month his funny phrase was "Holy cow!" And once last week he walked around for 15 minutes repeating, "Dang it!" I guess I'll try not to say that anymore.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

What we're up to...

For me, I've mostly been feeling like my days are filled with nursing Ezra, doing laundry, nursing Ezra, fixing and cleaning up meals, and trying to get Nolan to stop squealing. But don't get me wrong: I'm happy. I don't mind wearing p.j.'s all day and going without makeup. I just hope Justin doesn't mind. I thought I'd post a few pictures of what we've been doing around here...

Eating homegrown goodness:

Finger Painting at Playgroup:
Swimming in Nolan's new pool:
Brother play time:
We went to Logan last weekend. It was very busy because we have so many grandparents that want to meet Ezra. While there, Nolan went boating and even went tubing! He fell off at one point but came up laughing, despite the cold water. He also floated down the freezing cold canal. We spent one morning listening to Grandma K's band, The Hotflashes, play at the Farmer's Market. After coming home and waking up from his nap, Nolan said, "Gramma K's house again!" And before bed, he was asking for "Gramma K chocolate milk." Nolan threw lots of tantrums while we were away... I think that it might have been a little more fun than he could handle. It has been nice to settle back into a quiet routine again.
And have I mentioned lately that I love this baby? If it weren't for my aching back (which I thought would be gone by now) and sleepless nights, I think I'd have ten more!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

So in love!

This baby is absolutely darling! I'm just so in love! Ezra is a really good baby, except when he gets lazy while nursing. Other than that, I don't have much to complain about. He's starting to fill out and focus more when we chat with him. I think he's on the verge of smiling. It will be fun to see more of that dimple! I can hardly believe he's 4 weeks old! Overall, I'm getting a pretty good amount of sleep because Nolan takes 3- (sometimes 4-) hour naps and Ezra lets me sneak in a nap somewhere during that time too. The house is a little messier than usual, but it was never that clean to begin with! I'm feeling good other than the odd sensation that some of my bones haven't quite made it back into place. Sometimes I wish Justin was a physical therapist and could put me back together! Pretty soon I'll be back to aerobics and that will help.

I thought I'd post some pictures of all of us as babies to compare. Unfortunately, I don't have a tub picture of all four of us, or a sleeping picture of all 4 of us, etc. So I guess we'll compare 3 at a time. It turns out that Ezra really does have more hair than Nolan did, which hardly seems possible because we thought Nolan had so much hair. So... who looks like who? Remember, you can click the pictures if you want to see them bigger.

Clockwise: Ezra, Justin, Nolan

Clockwise: Nolan, Kenzee, Ezra

Clockwise: Ezra, Justin, Nolan

Wow, picture quality sure has come a long way over the years! And just because Nolan is such a cute big brother, here are a couple more pictures:
As far as our family journal goes, we had a great trip to the cabin for the 4th of July and then we spent a few days in St. George. I couldn't resist the help of my mom for a while longer. Nolan had the best time running free with his cousins. It sure was bliss for Justin and me! The boys did well with all the driving. It sure was nice to take the van for our first road trip! I just hope that next time we remember the camera!