Sunday, May 23, 2010

Park City Vacation

We spent the past week in Park City. Our friends offered us their timeshare place that they didn't want to use, so we got a great deal on a very beautiful place. Nolan was so excited to be staying at a hotel. It really didn't feel like a hotel, since it had two bedrooms, two baths, a family room, and full kitchen. The fitness room was Nolan's happy place along with the beautiful and very warm pool. We even got to use the theater room twice. (Let me just interject here that we loved The Blind Side and couldn't believe Where The Wilds Things Are even made it to the big screen.) I enjoyed updating my wardrobe by running over to the outlets to shop for a couple hours every few days. What joy!
We got to see lots of family, too. My mom and sister, Keeley, spent two nights with us. And at the end of the week Justin's mom came for two nights as well. The boys love it when mom and dad aren't the only ones around to play with. We didn't get many pictures of our low-key week, but we did get pictures of Nolan's new talent: drawing stick people! Actually, he always says that it's a picture of Daddy and no one else.
Yep, those are cowboy boots with shorts. We have great fashion sense!

Nana's Visit

My Nana is nearly 90 years old and she was still up for a visit! She stayed with Lacey and came over to our place a couple times to eat and visit with us. We even took a trip to the zoo, which turned out to be a little chilly and wet, but she's a trooper. My Dad (Nana's son) even treated us to a nice evening at The Cheesecake Factory (Nolan and Ezra loved their babysitter and I did too!). My only regret is that I didn't get a picture of Nana teaching me how to knit. She is amazing at needlepoint, crochet, and knitting, and I feel bad that it's taken this long for me to inquire after her handiwork skills. Now if I could just find my knitting needles that Nolan took off with!

Ezra sure got a kick out of the black and white monkeys. He even gave them some good chuckles.

Getting big

Ezra is now 11 months old and I can't believe we'll be celebrating a birthday in a few weeks. He's been standing up to furniture and has finally started crawling with his tummy up off the floor. He still prefers the army scoot when he needs to get somewhere fast, though. He loves being entertained, which isn't as much as he'd like. He bores of his toys easily and is happiest when he's outside on a walk. He loves waving bye-bye. He sticks his arm straight out and opens and closes his tiny hand. Today at church, we were waiting in the foyer and I looked down to see Ezra waving. I followed his stare and found a class full of young girls that were waving at him. Ah, a ladies man already. His new favorite foods include macaroni, veggie stix, and toast with cream cheese. He is even doing better with the sippy cup (it seems like I write that every other week... maybe soon he'll master it). He has also developed a piercing squeal that I suspect Nolan taught him while I wasn't looking.
Here's the little man at 11 months:

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Love you!

Happy Mother's Day to all of the mothers and grandmothers in our lives. It's been a little crazy around here with Justin working long hours, some insane weed pulling, and potty training. That's why we didn't get out cutesy cards out with photos of the boys. I'm sorry - this will have to do. This is our sad attempt at a happy, loving picture for you. The paper was getting crumpled because Ez kept trying to eat it. Ez also kept flopping over to cuddle with his blanket (he already loves it way too much). And Nolan kept yelling, "He's eating it!" Moms, you deserve much more but we hope you know that we love you so much! Hope it was a wonderful day.

Justin cooked a lovely omelette dinner for me and tidied up the house. He also helped with Nolan's bowel movement that didn't make it to the right place. Let me just say, potty training is getting old. I'm seriously thinking about putting him back in diapers and trying again in a few months. I hope it doesn't come to that.

Some good news for me today. I'm the secretary in Young Women's and our president is moving this week. Laurie has been wonderful to serve with, along with Connie and Missy, the counselors. I was feeling bad that I wouldn't be the secretary any more because it's a great calling. Well, I knew the release was coming, but I also had an interview with the bishop and Justin was invited to come. Oh boy - what scary change awaited me?! Well, it turns out they called me to be secretary in the new presidency! Yay!!! It will be great working with Christie, Kerri, and Anna-Marie. So the good news is that I don't have a new scary calling. What a relief!

Another good part of the day was a long quiet afternoon of reading. The boys are beginning to sleep at the same time (only one nap now for Ez) and it was so nice. Justin was saying that our Heavenly Father was very compassionate when he "programmed" children to need naps. It's such a big help to their parents. And then he also said, "And it even makes sense from an evolutionary standpoint - Kids who take better naps are more likely to survive their parents!" So true.

Ezra is beginning to pull himself up to kneeling. He wants badly to stand up, but I don't think that will come for another week or two. Still no crawling with the tummy off the floor, but he sure gets around with his army scoot. He's beginning to drink from a sippy if the valve is off so that it just runs into his mouth. I figure he has no other choice but to swallow.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Do you know Nie Nie?

I've followed Stephanie Nielson's blog a little. She makes me think. She makes me cry. Sometimes I read and say to myself, "I am so selfish." Other times I say, "I want to be something." I think many different things and I'm never sorry when I've taken some time to get to know her. Maybe you'd like to get to know her, too.

There's a button on the right if you'd like to "meet" her.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Plenty of Pee Pee

Yeah, we're potty training around here. Nolan wasn't really showing all that much interest, and he wasn't bothered by his soggy diapers, so I had been putting it off for a while now. But I checked the calendar and we had a couple of extra quiet weeks so I thought I'd go for it. Besides, I'm the one that really needed to be ready.

It's not fun and we're certainly not done, but it's going better than I thought it would. It's been a week and there have been minimal accidents (one was bad, but I'll spare you the details). I'm always still amazed when he wakes up dry. We're now trying to tackle pooping on the potty. I'm afraid he's going to make himself constipated. And we're still to the point where I'm always telling him it's time to go. Does it normally take a while for them to begin saying when they need to go? Any advice would be great!

We're just sticking with bribery for now. When someone asks him about going potty, he'll say, "When I'm potty trained I will have a potty party and go to Target to get a bucket of Legos." Yep, that's right. A whole, huge, bucket of Legos! But that's not all - Justin has also promised him a computer for his bedroom. Our old one that's been in storage but he would be thrilled to play his Reader Rabbit game on it. But alas, still no poop. Soon, we hope! No pictures this time... figured you didn't need to see that!