Just before running a quick errand I had to go back in the house for something. When I got back in the van Nolan said, "Look Mom, we're brothers!" Here is what I turned around to see:
These brothers like watching for trucks, playing Legos, wrestling with Dad, and watching VeggieTales.
We finally got the pool out this year. I know we're a little late, but Nolan still had a good time. Ezra splashed a little but he took his "swimming" very seriously. We got it put away just in time, too. Today is the last official day of Summer and it's now 65 degrees and raining. Goodbye Summer!
Nolan doesn't really take naps too often anymore, but sometimes he can't help but sack out in the late afternoon. After building a "cave" with the couch cushions, this is how I found him. I took a quick picture and then repositioned him before all the blood could flow to his head. As I'm looking at this picture now, it seems like Nolan could have used a potty break before falling asleep!
And Ezra even found a place on the floor to curl up and rest. I just want to kiss those little lips!
Last of all, here's yet another favorite place that Ezra likes to kick back and relax:
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Ez Stats
Warning: one for the journal, not entertainment:
Went to Ezra's 15-month checkup today. Turns out he has gained about 6 oz. in the past 6 weeks since his last weight check, for a grand total of 18 lbs. (My sister's 2-month-old baby only weighs about 3 lbs. less!) That puts Ez around the 1st or 2nd percentile. The doctor said there's no need to continue weight checks since it's most likely genetic. And I know that Ez eats quite a bit so I'm not worried. Oddly enough, I always thought Nolan was heavier and never dipped that low on the percentile chart. However, I reread my post from his 15-month checkup and realized that that is when he finally went above the 10th percentile. So maybe when Ez gets walking he'll gain some weight like his brother did. He's around the 30th percentile for height.
He wasn't happy about shots today. First time a sucker hasn't cheered him up. It's good to have his flu vaccine taken care of already. It sure beats waiting in line at 5 a.m. like last year to get the H1N1 for the family. It's so nice that it's all in one vaccine this year.
And for my memory's sake: Developmentally Ezra seems to be doing well. He says several words: ma ma, da da, bye-bye ("buh buh" while waving), uh-oh, uh-uh (as in "no" and shakes his head), and he knows the sounds for a monkey, dog, and chicken. He absolutely loves animals. He makes high-pitched squealing sounds when he sees a kitty and gets so happy when they approach. He's getting close to walking. He has taken several "first steps" but hasn't really progressed beyond that. It's always two steps and then falling forward or turning to jelly legs. He's a lot more cautious than Nolan ever was. But he's so darn fast at crawling (forward AND backward AND in circles... very funny!) that he probably sees no use in walking even though he'd be capable if he wanted to. It's hard to imagine him walking because he's such a little tiny Ezra-Doodle!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Secret Hideaway
Here is Ezra's favorite new place to cause a little trouble. It's always a race to see who can get to the cereal bags first. It's a big mess if Mom loses! I think he would eat cereal all day long if I let him. He'll go for the cereal cupboard right after eating a meal, as if he's still starving. You'd think it would help him gain a little weight, but we haven't had much luck in that area yet. I love the innocent face, like he's saying, "Don't worry Mom, I won't cause you any trouble." I'm not buyin' it!
First Preschool Project
Here's the first project that I've completed now that Nolan is away at preschool 3 days a week. Actually, I'm realizing that Ezra takes way more attention than Nolan. Does anyone do preschool for 1-yr.-olds?
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
When did you grow up?
Heritage Park Work Party