We spent Thanksgiving in St. George this year. The weather was so beautiful! The meal was delicious, as always, and it was fun to do a little shopping with my mom and sisters over the weekend. The kids had a wonderful time with Grandpa John. He spoiled them rotten by taking them to the movie, going hiking, having a picnic, riding the carousel, and getting ice cream. He even took all the kids to McDonald's while the rest of the adults could see the final Twilight movie. It was a lovely weekend, other than the sad news that Justin's Grandpa passed away on Thanksgiving Day. He had had a fall previously and hit his head, but the doctors thought he was recovering okay. Unfortunately, he had a massive hemorrhage in his brain that couldn't be helped. Justin was really close to his Grandpa.
Rob and Lacey's family ate at the Rignell's house, but we still got to spend time with them. We missed Grady, Darian, and Bryson. The cousins (minus the cranky toddlers) took this picture to send to Bryson in Mexico. It says "Happy Thanksgiving Elder Lawrence."
After Thanksgiving weekend, we rushed home to repack and then drive to Logan for Grandpa Moulton's funeral. It was a wonderful tribute to him and it was amazing that all of his grandchildren were there. Gina even flew in from Amman, Jordan. Justin was nervous but he gave a beautiful opening prayer. There was a special drawer in the casket for anyone who wanted to write a note or put something in for Grandpa. Nolan and Justin each wrote notes. Nolan told Grandpa how much he always loved his root beer floats. Nolan also made a little decoration out of beads and told Grandpa to hang it up on his wall when he comes back after being resurrected.
It's amazing that it's now Christmas time already. Nolan kept giving me a hard time that everyone else had their Christmas decorations up and we didn't. The boys were very excited to finally decorate the tree. Last weekend provided a warm day so we went to see the lights at temple square. The boys liked the lights but their favorite part was following the water fountain river... something that can be seen year round! Figures. They also loved the amazing window display at Deseret Book. The moving train was quite a sight even for adults.