Friday, May 31, 2013

Memorial Weekend in Logan

We had a great visit in Logan last weekend. We hadn't stayed at Grandma K.'s house in over two years so it was definitely time! We might not make it up for a while with a new baby coming either. There were some fun adventures for the boys, like going 4-wheeling up Left Hand Fork, and doing a fun bike ride in Logan Canyon. While they were out, I went shopping at Wal-Mart for some essentials since we realized that we hadn't brought the bags that I packed for the boys. Yes, we got there and had no underwear, clothes, etc. Oops. I really don't think clearly when I'm pregnant! We enjoyed a fun afternoon with the Grandma Petersen, along with Chris and Oana and her parents, up Left Hand Fork Canyon. They made delicious steaks and we celebrated Grandma's birthday. The boys loved the swing set and playing with Anna, the dog. We were also glad to visit Grandpa Petersen's grave, and see Grandpa Moulton's beautiful headstone, which barely made it in for the holiday.
 Ready for fun on Aunt Karen and Uncle Wayne's 4-wheeler:

Uncle Craig talked everyone into eating some water cress that was found in the river:
The biking group: Jon, Justin, Wayne, Amanda (who will soon turn in mission papers), Kathi, Nolan, Karen, and Mariah (who leaves on a mission to Texas shortly)
 Biking in Logan Canyon:
The Moulton "Monument": Kathi, Justin, Nolan, me, Karen, Mardyne, and Craig (Ezra was not feeling photogenic, and Grandma Moulton took the picture)

Ezra's cute pic

Ezra had a preschool photo taken. His birthday is coming up soon, so we're going to call this his "4 yr. old picture." He's a pretty handsome little man.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Winding down

It's been a great school year for my boys. Nolan has loved Mrs. G for kindergarten (and he had Mrs. Shaw for the past 6 weeks while Mrs. G was out with a new baby) and Ezra has enjoyed preschool with Ms. Anna-Marie. They both had their graduations this past week. I feel bad that we really didn't capture much of Nolan's on camera. He was very far away on the bleachers. But I could tell he was singing his heart out! As the graduates did their walk around the gym, Nolan was very serious. Here's our kindergarten graduate! We're proud that you were such a hard worker this year, Nolan!

Ezra's graduation was quite entertaining. All week he'd been saying that he wanted it to be cancelled and that it would be "hideous." That's his favorite word lately. Well, it took some coaxing but he did participate and sing at least several of the songs. He had one little fit in the middle and Dad took him out, but luckily it was brief. We were threatening to cut his beloved blanket if he didn't participate, so I think that got him going again. Later he slipped into a grumpy attitude toward the end, but at least he's still cute when he pouts. It could have been worse. I'm glad that Ezra stuck with preschool even though he was getting burned out. For the past few weeks he's been saying, "When it's a school day, just don't take me because I hate school!" But he would go anyway. He's learned a lot about the letters and their sounds. What a smarty!
Here's how the graduation program went down:
1) Here is his class (Quincey, Sophia, Ava, and Ez) getting ready to start.  
 2) Just before the first song starts, Ezra flashes the thumbs down sign, making sure that we know he isn't enjoying himself.
3) He sings a song or two, making us think that this will all go smoothly. 
4) Somehow he manages to get through his parts. One talked about show 'n tell and how he loved to bring his blanket. I think he took his blanket almost every week. No wonder it was meaningful.
5) Later, he opts out of singing the songs in favor of chillin' with his goggles (of course, he always has his legs crossed). 

6) The situation continues to deteriorate... he stops to do a full-body sulk while his friend, Ava, tries to raise his spirits. 
7) Magically he hops up with a happy face and sings the very last song; I can only assume that it must have been his favorite: "There are 7 days."
8) He wasn't happy about walking across the room to receive his diploma, but in the end he was willing to take a picture with Ms. Anna-Marie (but he wouldn't smile because he didn't want to stop eating his donut). 
Here's the cute photo of his class that was taken a few weeks ago:
So overall, it worked out and now we'll look forward to a long summer break. It only took Nolan 3 days without school before I heard the first, "Mom, I'm bored!" 

T-ball season is also winding down. We've only got a couple of make-up games left. It's been a great time! Every now and then Nolan would rather play in the dirt, nibble some grass, or sit down on the job (see picture below), but when it was time to go, he was ready!
He's gotten great at hitting. He typically hits it just inside the 3rd baseline and on out into the field. Way to be consistent!
That's our happy, little baseball player!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

April is over?!

I still can't believe we're a week into May already! April flew by because we've started Nolan in T-ball and it has been keeping us plenty busy! Luckily he seems to like it since there are two games and a practice every week (totaling 12 games). He played his first game after having only one official practice with his team and he was pretty nervous. We practiced as a family several times though, so he was ready! He did so good, too! He chose to play first base and then pitcher. Pitchers don't pitch in T-ball, obviously, but a lot of the balls head straight for the pitcher. Nolan did a great job of getting the balls stopped and thrown to first base. We were so proud! He has decided that he likes to hit as a lefty and does a good job at hitting, too. Go #12! His team is called the Athletics and it's been fun to have his buddy, Carter, on his team.

I laughed so hard when I saw the picture below. It is the epitome of T-ball. The ball goes within the vicinity of one player but then a mob of other players comes running after it, as well. Then they fight over who gets to pick it up. We thought the "amoeba phenomenon" was exclusive to young soccer players, but no. They're still getting their heads wrapped around the idea of teamwork. It's so entertaining!
In other April news, we've had crazy Utah weather as usual. It's so nice when we can go out in the yard or when the boys can play with friends outside. But we've had cold, rainy days too. The boys were happy to get to use their umbrellas, but Ez is still getting the hang of leaving it over his head so that he actually stays dry. 
 Enjoying a day of seventy degree weather. The kids jumped on Clarice's trampoline with a sprinkler underneath while Justin and I worked in the yard.
Nolan also had his first piano recital. He's been taking piano for about 3 months now and he's learning so fast! We were proud of the way he stood up and gave a great introduction to his songs. On the drive to the recital, Nolan asked who wrote the songs so that he would know what to say. It's nice to see the he remembered his teacher's instructions and took responsibility to be prepared. He's growing up! I forgot to get a photo of him with the grand piano (which he was pretty excited about playing on)... next time.