Tomorrow is baby day! I had a long night of what turned out to be false labor and so when I went to my doctor's appointment today and I was dilated to almost 3, I decided to keep our original induction date of June 27th. I still can't believe that I had contractions that were two minutes apart and quite painful for nearly 3 hours, and then it all stopped after I dozed off for an hour! Good thing I didn't go to the hospital and get sent home, at least.
So my last thing to do before going to the hospital at 5:30 in the morning is to catch up on photos we took in June. It's been a fun month, despite getting big and awkward!
We started off the month with swimming lessons. This is the first year that I've been able to sit out and just watch comfortably. Last year was horrible because Ezra was clingy and cried a lot even though he loved the water. This year they both went happily every day and both did really well! We even had great weather.
Justin has a new calling this month: Young Men's President. It's going to be a busy one but he'll do a great job. While he went on his first camp out for 3 nights, my Dad came up to stay with me. We all went looking at property in Park City and let the kids play at the splash pad. It was a fun outing with cousins and Grandpa.
Last weekend we headed up the nearby canyon to do some mountain biking (just Dad and Nolan did that) and to roast marshmallows. The boys had a lot of fun. Too bad our marshmallows were a little stale. It was a beautiful evening.
Yesterday I took the boys into Salt Lake so that they could browse ToysRUs. Nolan has been begging for quite some time to go. We ate at In-N-Out (that made it worth it for me), checked out toys, stopped in at Kohl's, and then went to PetSmart. The children were genuinely sad that we didn't come home with a pet.