Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Dad's MoTab Experience

This past October General Conference, a combined choir from our area got to sing in the Saturday afternoon session. Justin was chosen to be in the choir and he went to many long practices and worked hard practicing at home for the big day. They were very strict... he had to have wardrobe approved, couldn't use gel, had to powder his forehead, and was required to part his hair (we joked about his comb-over, but he looked pretty handsome anyway). They were instructed not to touch their face or cough. During practices they would have a camera person walk around and project people onto the big screen so they'd get used to being recorded. There was even an article in the newspaper about it. Justin looks like a real MoTab member (a young one).

He was so excited for the big performance and said he had a wonderful experience. The best part is that he was able to sing at all! He had had a terrible cough that week and thought he'd be having to mouth the words because singing would instantly bring on a coughing spell. But he sucked on a cough drop between songs and said that he was able to sing as good as he ever. What a blessing!
We loved watching Dad on TV. It made conference really entertaining for us. Justin got lots of screen time and was even on during the entire rest hymn! The boys said, "Dad makes lots of funny faces!" I think he looked great! It was extra special that Justin could wear his late Grandpa Moulton's suit, and the final hymn, "Abide with Me 'Tis Eventide," was sung at his funeral.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Dad of the Year Award

I've always known that Justin is a wonderful father, but a few weeks ago he really went above and beyond. I was shopping for couches with Ezra and Lucy when I noticed that we no longer had the ONE LAST binky from the hospital. Lucy insists on using the hospital binkies because they are green, and softer and smell like vanilla. I have bought other Soothie binks in pink and green, but she knows the difference... big time! I knew we either lost in at IKEA or the Draper RCWilley - only the two largest stores in the valley. So I was feeling a bit worried that we were being forced into prematurely weening Lucy from the binky. My blood pressure was starting to rise just thinking about the terrible nights and nap times ahead of me. Well, Justin said he would call the hospital and ask about where to get the exact same binkies. A little while later he said that he had to run an errand and that he'd be spending some quality time with Lucy. What? That's odd. Usually he takes the boys places but not little Lu. He said as he went out the door, "We're just going to go spend a little time at Lucy's birthplace." 

Well, it turns out that he went to the hospital and the nurses gave him 3 binkies! They were so nice. Justin asked to pay and they said, "That's okay... but you should have brought us some chocolate!" I am still planning on taking the nurses some chocolate. They saved the day... and so did Justin!