Monday, December 22, 2008
"Christmas" in Logan

Saturday, December 13, 2008
Official Christmas Greetings
It seems silly to send out Christmas cards to those of you who see the blog every week so consider this your official "Merry Christmas" from us! We hope the holiday is wonderful for you. Here are the pictures I would have put in your card. Sorry you won't have anything to put on your fridge.
As you can see, Nolan didn't want anything to do with Santa. He's been saying "ho ho ho" for weeks, but the real thing was pretty scary. I guess every child needs a picture like this!
We've been filled with holiday cheer around here lately. We went to temple square to see the lights and have dinner. Nolan's favorite part was riding trax ("choo choo"). Here are the two pictures we took. Justin's halo really caught the camera's flash. It turns out there was a crane in the background with some blaring lights. I'm no photographer.
We had our ward Christmas dinner and Nolan wouldn't stay put at the table (no surprise). He ran out of the gym and around the other side of the building. When Justin found him a couple minutes later, he was standing on a chair with his hand on the fire alarm lever. We came so close to evacuating the whole building. I'm so glad Justin caught him in time because our friends were in charge of the whole event. It would have really put a damper on the party they worked hard for.
Last week, Justin was watching Nolan while I was at a yummy Enrichment dinner this past week and Nolan insisted that Dad put him in his laundry hamper. Justin said he sat in there with his blanket and puppy for at least 30 minutes. Dad lucked out!
Nolan saw Dad open the garbage can with his foot (I'm not really sure why he did that either), so now Nolan thinks that's how he should do it too. It doubles as a great hamstring stretch.
Here is Nolan's latest haircut. Whenever it's cut short he looks like such a big boy.
I'm happy to be in the second trimester. It's amazing how much better I've felt the past week. It's nice that all those Christmas goodies are actually sounding good now! Merry Christmas, everyone!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Most of you already know, but...
We had an ultrasound this morning and everything looks great. I'm nearly 12 weeks and due June 24th.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Home for the Holidays
It is wonderful to be back home after a week in Logan. We had planned all along to spend time up there for Thanksgiving, but we ended up leaving 5 days earlier to be there for Justin's grandpa's funeral. It was a hard week for everyone. It's never easy to have a death in the family and a little added family drama never helps. But the funeral turned out nice and Justin gave a wonderful family prayer before our last good-byes to Grandpa. The graveside service was especially moving because the American Legion gave him military honors including a 3 round rifle shoot and a bugle call.
Thanksgiving Day was filled with the usual delicious food and good times with family. We had dinner at Aunt Karen's and we provided the turkeys that Justin got from work (last year's and this year's). We only provided them, seeing that I don't dare cook a turkey and I'm going to avoid learning as long as possible. I'm afraid if I learn I might be expected to host. The only thing I cooked was a dish of my favorite yams!
We haven't been in the picture-taking mood lately, but we dug out the camera when we got home to take a picture of the aftermath of Nolan's first shave. He found a razor in the bathroom while we were staying in Logan and did just as he's seen Dad do, except that he was bleeding for about 30 minutes. It wasn't too bad really, but it definitely left a mark. By the look on his face you'd think he'd just done it!
Lastly, we put up Christmas decorations on Saturday. I'm looking forward to enjoying the Christmas season here at home and the actual holiday in St. George with my side of the family. I gave Nolan his own little tree to decorate. He loves the train and car ornaments that best, of course! We hope everyones holidays are off to a good start. I've already gotten new socks and that's always a good thing!
One more thing!!! We saw Twilight! I couldn't believe my watch when I realized it was two hours long. It seems like it was too short but I loved nearly every second (the meadow scene was my only complaint).
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Grandpa Petersen
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Not a singer
I've never thought of myself as much of a singer. Now I know that Nolan agrees. This morning we were all eating breakfast and Justin started singing a silly made-up song (he actually comes up with great lyrics). Nolan immediately started dancing and "leading the music." Well, when Daddy finished, Nolan looked at me and waited for me to take a turn. I started singing the ABCs. I only made it through the first line when Nolan gave the sign for "all done." No leading the music, no dancing, nothing. Clearly I'm not a singer.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Book Club and Birthday
Last Thursday I hosted our ward's book club. We read Nobody Don't Love Nobody by Stacey Bess, who was my student teaching supervisor two years ago. Stacey was nice enough to come all the way out to our neighborhood and talk with us for an hour. I think everyone really felt inspired by her book and the things she had to say that night. I'm glad we could have such a great turnout.
Nolan had a wonderful Sacrament meeting yesterday. He crawled under the bench to the family behind us and they were nice enough to give him free reign with their washable (thank goodness!) markers. He colored his arms, hands, neck, mouth, and even his clothes! He's our little tattoo artist! Sis. Broadhead kept apologizing but Justin and I couldn't help but laugh. I'm not really the type of mom that gets worried about these things. In fact, it was the most pleasant sacrament meeting we've had in a long time! Except that I had to sing with the Young Women. I guess you can't win them all! Anyway, Nolan had a great tub after the meeting... the water even turned blue! I think next week we'll bring some of our own markers (or maybe just crayons).
Monday, November 3, 2008
Halloween in Logan
We had a fun Halloween weekend visiting family in Logan. I was a mad scientist (that's Justin's lab coat), Justin was his Dad as a sorority brother, and Nolan was Eeyore. We visited the Petersens, had a fun pizza dinner with the Moultons, and then went to a Halloween party at the Campbell's pool house/garage. We let Nolan eat all the candy he wanted (it's just one day, right?) and he's never been happier! We only trick-or-treated to 3 houses, which was too bad because he loved it! He wouldn't let go of the treats and so the third house posed a problem. He had run out of free hands! I think he thought we'd take his treats away unless he held on tight. The party was a blast! It was the happiest time of Nolan's life! He danced nearly all night. In one of the pictures, you can see him gettin' down in the middle of the crowd. At one point, a couple of mimes showed up and Nolan was so fascinated with them. He wouldn't let them put him down! We went to the fishing pond and had our fortunes told too. It was a great night!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Halloween Activities

In family news: I have been put back in the Young Women presidency but this time as the secretary. I think I'll like this position. We've been busy planting trees and shrubs in the yard. Justin is getting tired of using the pick ax, and I'm sick of shoveling dirt! The weather has been so nice though... about 65 degrees every day. We couldn't ask for better yard work weather. I wish it would last forever!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Fall Days
Before I begin with the regular post, I'll just let everyone know that Justin has a new calling. He is now the 2nd counselor in the Elder's Quorum. Our ward split last week so we have lots of new leadership. I've been released from the Young Women's presidency in the process too. Justin is going to do a great job. In fact, they've already had one successful meeting where they were able to reorganize the home teaching assignments.
Last weekend we had lots of visitors. My brother Grady, his wife Kristen, and their kids stopped by to see the house and have lunch. Lacey's family came over too. Nolan just wanted to be held by his Uncle Rob. There's nothing better than good food and family!
That same afternoon, Justin's Dad and his wife Kathy stopped by too. Justin was happy to see his little brothers again. It's too bad Nolan can't hang out with his little uncles more often... they're all around the same age. They took us out to dinner and then went on their way home to San Diego. They were in Hyrum visiting with our Petersen grandparents.
Yesterday, Nolan and I went to Thanksgiving Point with Amber and Jaxon. We invited lots of friends but we were the only ones that ended up going. We missed them but ended up having a great time. There was a big field filled with Fall activities for kids of all ages. We ate lunch and then went into this huge blow-up monster. It turns out that it was pitch dark and it was haunted. We turned around real quick but Nolan was a little timid for a while after that. I'm happy to see that he might actually have a healthy dose of fear somewhere inside. He warmed up after going on the tractor train ride. The other favorite (for both boys, I think) was the water play area with rubber ducks and old-fashioned pumps. Nolan soaked his sleeves and didn't give it a thought. It was a nice day out. I wish this Fall weather would last!
I got a little camera happy at one point, but only because he kept smiling so much! I couldn't resist!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Worn out
I'm having one of those days that makes me feel worn out. Recently at aerobics, Nolan has been able to open the gym doors and escape. This wouldn't be too bad in itself (churches are pretty kid-proof usually) but then he tries to find any possible way to get outside. Last week, he snuck out and I couldn't even find him. This was the first time and I didn't even know he could push the doors open. After searching the building, I finally found him watching a man fixing the drinking fountain. On Monday, I actually saw him slip out so I immediately went after him. Within 10 seconds he had run out the kitchen side door to the parking lot! I don't know why the door was unlocked (if the church doors are locked then he can't reach the bar to push it in). Today I tried to go to aerobics again and he went up on the stage to play with the other tots. I thought this was a pretty good way to keep him contained. Next thing I know, Sienna (my friend's 4-yr. old) is telling me to come quick. There was some back door on the other side and down some steps that I didn't know existed! I caught him as he was slipping out. Needless to say, we left early and I hate to say it, but I don't think I'll be able to come for a while until he stops being an escape artist! Here we are at aerobics. We set the camera timer and, of course, Nolan wandered into the picture. Me, Holly, Jen, Tracy, Kirsten, and Amber.
We just got home from having lunch at McDonald's. Our ward just divided so the Young Women's presidency was all split up (I was the only one left in our ward, so technically I've been released too). We went for one last get-together and figured McDonald's would keep the kiddos happy. Over the course of 50 minutes, Nolan escaped the play area 5 times. One of those times he ran straight into a man's lap - a complete stranger! He stole someone's drink and was walking around with it. He got lost in the playplace so I had to climb up there and rescue him (this was expected but still tiresome). He stole a chicken nugget from a table nearby, and eventually stole an ice cream cone from a table across the way! These things are embarrassing and possibly unsanitary. And I know what you're thinking: Kenzee, start keeping an eye on your child! All I'm going to say is: I do! Just look at the mischief in his eyes!
I wish he'd do this more often!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
I will never lay sod again!
We have finally finished laying sod in the yard. Justin and I laid 1200 sq. ft. by ourselves on Thursday evening and Friday. I think it took about 6 or 7 hours in all. I feel like I spent the whole time hurrying Justin along because he always wants to smooth out the dirt perfectly (too perfectly, if you ask me) and remove every bit of gravel before it goes down. Hopefully we'll have better grass for it. We're glad to have it done. I told Justin we'll either never build a new house to landscape or we'll hire out the yard to completion. Along with the main area, there was a small corner that we had to finish on the other side too. Here are the before and after pics.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Long week
Nolan and I made it back from St. George last Thursday. My parents drove me home since they needed to catch a flight the next day. They're in Palmyra and Niagra Falls with my sister, Lacey, this week... lucky! It was so great to be in St. George, but I have to admit that Nolan made it difficult to relax at all. He can open my parents' doors throughout the house so we'd continually find him in their bathroom. It seems like we were always walking through the house trying to find him. The problem with him climbing out of the pack 'n play wasn't too bad. At night I would make sure it was pitch dark and he didn't climb out. Naps took some coaxing, but it didn't take him long to settle down. I hope my Mom and Dad realize how grateful I am that we could move in for the week. You always spoil us!
I was looking forward to a quiet Conference weekend at home, but that' not what we got! Nolan had a low fever from Wednesday through Saturday. There were no other symptoms, so we don't know what caused it. He's also getting his incisors in, which I've heard can be the worse teeth of them all. The combination was horrible! He was either clinging to me with his blanket and puppy, or screaming and whining. It was very tiring emotionally for both Justin and me. Justin wanted to help but it was a "mommy only" type of weekend. Here's a rare moment of peace... not pretty, but it was finally a quiet moment! Thank goodness he's made a turnaround this morning. I'm glad to have my happy boy back. And I look forward to reading the Conference talks next month... it was hard to focus this time around. What I heard was great though. I just love President Monson's stories.
On Sunday after the last session, I just HAD to get out of the house. Nolan desperately needed to run around so we went up Tooele canyon to see the Fall colors. What a relief to see a big grin on Nolan's face as he ran up the hill.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
We're in St. George
Well, Nolan and I are away but Justin is at home. We miss you! We're having a good time visiting family down here. So far we've been to the fruit market, a craft store (I know Justin's glad he wasn't in on that), to visit cousins, dinner with my brother and his new wife, and swimming.
The main trouble has been in the sleep department. Nolan's always adjusted well to new surroundings, but not this time. He just screams when I put him in the pack 'n play. After a few minutes of crying, he'd go to sleep. But today at naptime he was putting up an especially impressive fight. All of a sudden we heard him screaming on the staircase. Yes, we've had a break out. I tried rocking him to sleep after that but finally I had to climb in the pack 'n play with him. And let me tell you, those really aren't built for mother and child! He did calm down and rest, leaving me free to climb out. Hopefully he'll warm up to the basement family room so that I don't have to climb in and cuddle every time he needs to sleep. I won't complain though... normally he's a great sleeper! At least he's been sleeping in at Grandma's. I woke up at 8 o'clock to him yelling "Daaaaaaaddy!" He misses Dad already! I'll share pictures of the trip when we get home in a week!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Getting organized
Does anyone else feel like their home is filled with clutter? It seems like my counters and kitchen table only stay clear for a day at the most. So I've added a shelf and baskets to my laundry room and a shower rod to dry clothes from. Now we'll each have a place to put stuff. Nolan's basket has his shoes (so they're ready to grab as we go out), bubbles, and crayons. Mine is filled with Young Women's stuff, and Justin's will have his wallet, work badge, and sunglasses. I have a feeling we'll find more to put there soon! And lastly, I have one basket for dirty rags, bibs, and washclothes. I hate putting these things in with my regular laundry so it's a good place to stash it. Thanks to Justin for hanging the shelf for me! And yes, Nolan had to be there every step of the way.
Friday, September 12, 2008
I just thought I'd let everyone know that I did the following pictures at photofunia.com. There's a link at the bottom of my blog! Enjoy.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
We're famous!

Sunday, September 7, 2008
Life's a zoo!