Sunday, April 6, 2008

Christmas and Easter (in one month!)

I'm trying to catch up on posts because we've recently replaced our computer. Justin ordered all the parts and was so excited for Santa (the UPS man) to bring them. He watched the tracking numbers and took part of the day off work because he knew the parts would arrive. It was Christmas all over again for Justin! To make a long story short, he put it together, ran into a couple problems, and now it's working well! I'm excited because I'll be able to do better photo editing and movie making!
Here are some fun pictures of Nolan in the tub last week. He usually takes showers with Dad, so taking a tub is a real treat. He even taught himself how to blow bubbles!

And I realized that I never shared any Easter pics. We spent the weekend in Logan. Justin's Mom recently had a rod and pins put in her arm after a snowboarding accident and she was finally able to hold Nolan. A Grandma holding Nolan is a happy Grandma! We took Nolan to a couple little egg hunts (one was more like trick-or-treating) and surprisingly, he knew right away to put everything in his basket. We also took him to a pet shop to see the animals. We spent time with both sets of Justin's grandparents. It was a great weekend!


Lawrence Family said...

Your blog is so cute!!! I love it! Great pictures.

Lacey said...

What a cute Easter boy!

Anonymous said...

That giant bunny is kind of freeky!