Thursday, May 15, 2008

Baby Biloba

Our Ginkgo Biloba tree has finally begun sprouting its beautiful fan-shaped leaves! When we first started to plan our landscaping, the ginkgo biloba tree was my main must-have. I remember my first time on campus as a freshman at BYU and my smart friend, Katy, pointed out a tree with fan-shaped leaves. For the rest of my time at BYU, I'd walk by that tree and think of her and the unique tree that she once loved. Come to find out, the ginkgo biloba is one of the only things that survived the atom bomb in Japan, so I figure there's no way we could kill it. With that said, I was still relieved to see its leaves coming out. One day it will be a large shade tree and I'll love it even more! I feel like it's our little bit of Asia in the front yard.

Here's what its leaves will look like (since I'm not much of a photographer):


Jake said...

Love all the cute pictures!! Sounds like you have had a couple fun weekends!! So great to see you and your sis's and mom a few weeks ago!
Miss you guys!

neil and aubs said...

Hello Kenzee! I have just started this blogging thing but I was excited to see that you have a blog too (I have never seen someone type as much as you do:)) Cute Family! Hope you don't mind me checking it out. Feel free to visit my blog-neilandaubs. Keep in touch.

Lacey said...

Where's your trip photos??