Sunday, June 29, 2008

We have friends!

Justin and I have always joked with our family that we don't have any friends. It seems like we've always had trouble making friends and actually getting anyone to WANT to hang out with us. We could never understand why (because we are so dang fun!) but that was the truth. We are proud to say: NOT ANY MORE! We have friends! Actually, we've been slowly getting to know some friends since moving to our home, but we've recently spent the weekend with 5 other couples (and our 11 total children) from our neighborhood so we feel like we all know each other pretty well now. We took them to my Dad's cabin in Alton and we had a great time. We ate, we relaxed, we hiked, we chased our kids, and Justin and I conquered our lack of friends! Everyone was so pleasant and funny. We love our friends! Thank you, everyone, for coming. You brought wonderful food and made the weekend one to remember.
I learned that Justin is in the wrong career. He should have been a tour guide for a National Park. He planned out our daily adventures to Bryce Canyon and Cedar Mtn. Or he could have been a shepherd... getting us all to one place whether we wanted to go or not. Baaa. Baaa. Nolan had a fun time with all those kids, even though he was in his own world searching out trouble: the dishwasher, the carbon monoxide detector, the garbage can, the pantry, etc. It was a great trip. Thank you to my Dad who let us stay at the cabin. He is always so generous! I was pathetic at taking pictures. I'm going to be getting copies of everyone else's, but until then here are the three I have to share. We played the Wii and the kids loved playing with balloons. What fun!


The Morreys said...

So glad you all had a good time. Sounds like it was fun. We wish we could have joined you. Kyle agrees that Justin should become a shepherd. Baaaa!

Lacey said...

Looks and sounds like it was a fun time!! You have so always had friends!! Can't wait to hear all the fun details!!

Steve and Kirsten said...

It was a great weekend. Justin makes me laugh. I didn't know he was a commedian and a tour guide. Nolan is our little entertainer. Thanks soooo much!

Samantha said...

I'm glad you count us among your friends. We had a fabulous time!

The Weston's said...

That's so funny- I know, it seems like after kids, you get soo busy with just each other!-

Candice Warby said...

I totally feel your pain! Why is it so stinking hard to get people to want to hang out? I'm glad that you have been successful!

Errin said...

I know what you mean, its hard to find good freinds when you have kids and stuff, but Im glad to hear youve got freinds! ;)

Anonymous said...

You sound just like Russ and me. I want friends too - what's your secret?!

James Family said...

Hey guys!!
It's great to see your cute son,your happy family and hear about all the fun things you're busy with.
Keep in touch.

terrah said...

Thanks so much! We had such a fun time! And loved getting to know you and everyone better.

john and amber said...

Of course you have friends!! :) And we are so privileged to be some of them...thanks so much again for the great weekend at the cabin. They will be great memories!