Saturday, July 19, 2008

Gateway date

Justin and I had a fun time with our friends, Amber and John, at the Gateway last night. We ate at Z Tejas and the steak salad I ordered was divine. The boys, Jaxon and Nolan, were well behaved at dinner... throwing food, eating crayons, tossing sippy cups (you know). Actually, they really were quite pleasant. We then walked to the fountain and the boys weren't as thrilled with it as we thought they'd be. Nolan started to get used to it about when I was getting tired of the sun in my eyes. I guess the water shooting out of the ground is a bit unnerving. We still managed to get pretty wet though. At Barnes & Noble, the boys had the most fun playing with the train table. What a good time for a lesson in sharing (yeah, right). Ever since going out, Justin keeps saying how pleasant I've been: cleaning the house, cleaning Nolan after J let him play in the mud, and other things. I told him that it pays to take me out! Thanks, honey!
Some of the grandparents have been wondering what else Nolan has been saying lately. And I wanted to write what he says so that I'll have a record of what he's up to at this point. Here is Nolan's repertoire: mom, daddy, happy, uh-oh, busy, owee, yummy, happy day, up, grandpa ("gam-pa"), no, whoa, and thank you (but this sounds like "ah-do"). It sure is fun when the language skills take off. He also gestures or signs: yes, more, all done, stinky (for diaper changing), and he folds his arms so cute for prayer. This is my favorite! I just want to squeeze my reverent boy (it's rare, oh so rare, that he's quiet). Hopefully we'll get some more cute video to post or better yet, we'll just see all the grandparents in the next month or so. As Nolan would say, have a "happy day!"


The Morreys said...

Looks like you had a lot of fun! I find it interesting that the words that Ethan can say are different than Nolan's (except for mom and dad).I bet it is really cute to hear him say happy day.

Errin said...

I love baby jibberish! And you always have to translate for other poeple, thats always the funnest! Us moms know exactly what they are saying.. everyone else is like uhhhh what on earth did your child just say! so so fun! the water fountain looks awesome too!

Lacey said...

Okay, that's it....I need a little bonding time with him!! I've missed him so much! I'll be calling you today!

Jodi said...

Nolan already has quite the repertoire! He's such a cutie. I can't wait to see him next week ... and you guys of course! I'm glad you guys had such a fun date. We moms need that every once in a while. It really does recharge the batteries. Well, see you in few days!!! love you!

john and amber said...

Our Gateway date was so much fun, thanks guys! What a smart boy Nolan is...I think he needs to start talking around Jaxon more to build his vocabulary. :)

Jake said...

Oh I just can't wait for the days when Lex is into all that stuff!! it's hard enough as it is when we go out to eat!! And he's only 6 months!! WOW!! He is such a doll!!

And YES!! You'll have to come see my new pad... You guys should come up one of these weekends! So fun!!

Love ya girl!! Hope all is well!!

Jake said...

P.S. I'm refering to Nolan as a 'doll' in that last post! I love all the pictures of him!!

Unknown said...

Hey Kenzee, It's Ash. Your little Nolan is so cute. It was so nice to seeing you and Nolan in January. I can't believe how fast time flies by. It seems just like yesterday we were playing with our baby dolls in your backyard.

Sterling and Michelle said...

I love all of your cute pictures. Trying to teach little kids to share is always interesting. Not being a parent yet, it's always kind of funny to watch parents try to explain why we have to share. I'm sure it won't be so funny when it's my kid.

The Weston's said...

oh my heck- isn't Gateway so fun!? My boys love it :) I realize that I HAVE to stay busy while Warren is gone, or the time won't pass quick enough! {So I totally pumped so I can leave Sawyer with my mother in law- she's really great with them, and i trust her so much, otherwise it just wouldn't be worth it to me. I bet that I will be the only one with a pump in their purse :)} We really should get together sometime! Our boys could play....