Saturday, August 9, 2008

5, 6, 7, 8...

August always gets me thinking about the "olden" days. I guess it's that school is starting again and I begin thinking about all the years of dance that I took and sometimes still miss. And then that gets me thinking about moving away from home and going to BYU. Those were some great times! Of course I love where I'm at in life, but I get a little quiet inside when I think that all those memories are getting farther and farther in the past. I just thought I'd share some pictures from those good 'ol days. Just to set the stage, here I am as a Junior in high school:
Here are some dance buddies. I'm the purple ballerina (age 14 or so) and later I played a dancing doll for the little girls that I helped teach. And look, there's Fred and Ginger!
Here's my pointe class: I'm on the far right (in case you weren't sure).
Here's a jazz dance we did... fun ones like this make me miss it all the more. I'm on the far right again (age 17). Just for fun: do any of you watch Courtney Orton on the news (ch. 5, I think)? She's in the green in the middle.
And here I'm on the cover of Dance Magazine... jk! My brother-in-law designed this for one of my birthdays. Pretty cool!
So then came college. I danced on the Folk Dance team. It was so different from what I'd done, but lots of fun. I really wanted to do Irish dancing. That's where I met Justin, of course. So you'll enjoy seeing him in these pictures too! Yes, we're a dancing family! Most of the pictures were taken when we were still friends. He loved to tease me about that nasty braid I had to weave into my hair. And we had fun portraying the romantic Russian couple (in the yellow costumes)... I guess that started it all.
Here's the best costume of all... our Urkrainian finale. Lots of fun! Justin did some wicked moves in this one... continuous kicks sure gave him strong thighs! ;-) We weren't yet dating here either, but I suppose we both knew we would be.
I'm happy that Justin is part of my dancing past. Someday we'll take ballroom lessons again. Until then, we'll keep dancing in the kitchen (when the blinds are shut because we're a little rusty).


Unknown said...

I can remember going to some of your dance recitals at The Tuachan. Those days were sure fun. Lots of memories we had together. None dancing, but I can remember riding our bikes all over the Black Hill, playing house and just hanging together. Those were good times. I sure wish Danny could dance. That probably will never happen.

Samantha said...

That was a fun walk down memory lane. I especially liked the folk dance pictures.

Sterling and Michelle said...

I always get sentimental about the past. Remember all those sleepovers we had at your cabin? Those were so fun. As far as dancing goes I seem to remember watching a video of you dancing when Ashlee was in your class. There was something about surfing or maybe just really bright 80s style costumes.

Errin said...

I didn't know you were a dancer, thas sweet!!

neil and aubs said...

I was talking with my sister in laws today about the dance studios in town. The litte girls are starting dance lessons. Where did you take dance in St. George? And do you know where is the best?

john and amber said...

That was so fun to read about and see your dancing past! What cute photos, and especially that you were able to share some of those years with Justin. What great memories!

The Morreys said...

Your pictures are so cute!! It would be so fun to take a dance class with Kyle. It would be fun to see a few of your moves.

Tobler's said...

Hi Kenzee! Yes, of course I remember you! I am so glad that you found me. That is so fun. Ya, Kinzie is my brother-in-law and Emma (the one Cooper is reading a story to is his little girl!) I will let him know that you would like to catch-up and contact some of your friends. It is such a small world! :)
Your little guy is so handsome!
I enjoyed looking at all your dance pcitures. That was so fun!

Tobler's said...

Hi sorry it's me again! Kinzie lives here in St. George and is going to school. Here is his e-mail:

The Weston's said...

fun post. brings back a wave of memories :)

Lawrence Family said...

Oh...what great memories!!!! I loved watching you were amazing!!!! I bet you still are.

Anonymous said...

I miss dance too - I know just how you feel. You have not aged at all from high school. That is crazy!

Jodi said...

I remember Justin writing to me on my mission when you became dance partners. He was SO excited that you were partners because he already had the biggest crush on you! I'm so glad that happened, so you two could get to know each other and everything could work out as it did. It was meant to be! You were the cutest couple then and still are now. I love you both tons!

Jake said...

Love all the pictures Kenz!! I feel the same way when I look back at my past, I don't miss it, but I can't believe it is so long ago! And as for dancing in the kitchen... It's totally okay because you know that now I own a home, i totally practice my singing in the shower!! We're talking belt style... OH YEAH!! Gotta love it!
Miss ya girl!

Candice Warby said...

I remember Kristin Irvine coming and telling me you guys were on the same dance team. She was my freshman room mate, so that was kind of a random connection. I do remember that you were the sterling scholar for fun. I have always loved dance!

Monica said...

That is great. hope you don't mind if I stop by your blog. This has been such a fun way to get to know people better. Love the pictures!

Aceneth Warner said...

WOW, that is so cool, you should do dance lessons. So many people like the type of dancing you did, and it sounds like you would be awsome at it.