Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Not a singer

I've never thought of myself as much of a singer. Now I know that Nolan agrees. This morning we were all eating breakfast and Justin started singing a silly made-up song (he actually comes up with great lyrics). Nolan immediately started dancing and "leading the music." Well, when Daddy finished, Nolan looked at me and waited for me to take a turn. I started singing the ABCs. I only made it through the first line when Nolan gave the sign for "all done." No leading the music, no dancing, nothing. Clearly I'm not a singer.


Errin said...

haha, its ok, im not a singer either!

Kristi the Book Lady said...

That's hilarious...I love it!

Monica said...

that's what I was thinking -hilarious!

john and amber said...

You're not fooling anyone, Kenz... I've heard you sing, and you have a good voice! :) But that is hilarious, what a funny boy!

Samantha said...

What a funny little boy!

Aceneth Warner said...

I can't sing at all, my kids acually ask for me no to sing. SAD!!!

Jake said...

Haha!! That is too dang cute!!

The Firths said...

I didn't know that Justin sang. I can carry a tune perfectly, its just the unloading of it that hangs me up.