Monday, December 8, 2008

Most of you already know, but...

We had an ultrasound this morning and everything looks great. I'm nearly 12 weeks and due June 24th.


neil and aubs said...

How exciting! Congratulations!

Errin said...

yay, thats awesome, congrats!!!

john and amber said...

I'm glad your first appointment went well. Very exciting! I feel like I haven't really talked to you forever, we need to play! :)

The Morreys said...

We hope you are feeling well. I bet it was neat to see the baby!!! It certainly makes it seem more real. Love the "Rosie the Riveter" parody. I've never seen that one before.

Brianne said...

Congrats. I am glad to hear everything is going well. I love your little picture on this true! You are very crafty Kenzee! I hope you are feeling well. We need to get together sometime.

Monica said...

Contrats! It is always nice when you can have the first 3 months done. Glad things are going well.

Aceneth Warner said...

I am so happy for you, I know this sounds crazy, but I loved being pregnant. I had so many complications, but I loved the feeling of a baby inside me.
p.s. I am so glad I am reading the books for the first time, specially after the movie.

Samantha said...

Congratulations! I'm glad everything looks good.

terrah said...

Congratulations! We are so excited for you guys. And I love the Rosie picture, I've never seen that before!

Unknown said...

I had know idea you were pregnant. You need to tell me these things sooner. Congratulations! Amber had her baby today. A girl.

Kristi the Book Lady said...

Wow - that's so awesome! I can't wait to watch your blog over the next couple of months! :)

Amber Blair said...

Congrats!! That is so exciting!! Hope you're feeling good and so glad everything looks good!!

Jake said...

What!!?? I had no clue!! CONGRATS!! That really is so exciting!! So glad to hear everything looks good!!

Let's hang out soon!

Steve and Kirsten said...

I love the picture! Congrats on the new little one soon arrive.

Tobler's said...

Congratulations! That is so exciting!

The Weston's said...

I must have missed something! Congrats- The 2nd one makes the first one seem so easy :) Good luck with your pregnancY!