It was a great Christmas for us in Logan with Justin's family. Grandma Kathi and all of the grandparents really spoiled us. We had a party at the Campbell's house (Justin's aunt and uncle) where we did white elephant gifts. I think everyone wished they could have taken home my signed 8X10 headshot. Okay, at least it got some good laughs. Christmas morning was definitely a magical one for Nolan, but sadly we couldn't find our camera for half of the morning. He sure loved what Santa brought (a train table and a green garbage truck). Ezra enjoyed his first Christmas, especially the wrapping and tissue paper. Here are some pictures of our happy morning.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
A Merry Christmas
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Little Thoughts
I'm sitting here just waiting for Christmas Eve to come. I thought I would jot down a few thoughts before I head to bed.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Consider yourself greeted
Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas! Happy New Year and all the rest. This is our official holiday greeting card since we only send out a few real cards. Getting a family picture just never happened so here are some pictures of our visit to see the temple lights.
It's been a great year for us. We think next year will be even better: we're pretty much done with landscaping, Ezra is starting to sleep through the night (it's about time), and we're going to Disneyland soon! Justin's job is going well. We're really grateful for that. We have good health, our beautiful boys, a cozy home, and the gospel of Jesus Christ. What more could we want? (Other than that new flat screen TV... but we're not going to give into that one) We're certainly excited for Christmas to come. Nolan keeps asking for a red semi truck and a green garbage truck. Um, I'm not sure if Santa got that memo. Sometimes Santa puts in toy orders too early in the season and then kids up and change their mind!
We hope you all have a wonderful time with your loved ones. We're glad to have you in our lives.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
We love SWEETS
Yesterday we toured the Sweet's Candy Factory. Nolan seemed most interested in the huge air vents and pipes in the ceiling. Go figure. I was most interested in the free samples. I was really worried as we started out because I had to use one of their umbrella strollers (wouldn't let me use mine) for Ezra. Luckily he sat happily slumped the whole time. And they told us that we had to stay in the yellow lines and not touch anything. Oh boy... this was going to be real fun with Nolan. Well, he did so great that I bought him a box of chocolate cinnamon bears. Turns out he doesn't like them. Oh, that's a shame. The funniest moment was when they handed out a hair net to Ezra. Nolan didn't want to hold Ezra or put his hair net back on for this picture. He kept yelling, "NO, I don't!" But I couldn't resist:Ezra is nearly 6 months old. He's so good natured that sometimes I hardly think it possible to have such a sweet baby. I love kissing those chubby cheeks. You should see his "hip fat." Maybe I'll take a picture and post it some time. All that chub just pops out of his diaper! I love it when I see him just waking up from a nap. He looks around, makes eye contact, and then gives a big groggy grin. I hope he wakes up that happily as a teenager. I won't count on it. As you can see, he has recently discovered his tongue! We love you, Ez!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Our Thankful Weekend
We spent our Thanksgiving break in Alton at "the cabin." As we piled into the car, Nolan looked at Ezra and said, "Oh Ezra, you're so sweet. You're so strong." What a good start to the trip! I must say the food was more delicious than ever (which I didn't think possible)! It was a group effort but well worth the fuss. I especially enjoyed that both of my children went down for a nap just before it was time to eat. Finally a peaceful meal for Justin and me. Nolan had had an especially rough day. Justin had been telling him not to touch the gas stove because it's so hot. Well, I came along and turned the fire off and within a few minutes Nolan took hold of it. I'm sure that he thought it was okay because there were no longer flames. It was a miserably painful burn (his first) and for a solid hour all he wanted was "Mommy blow on it!" I eventually got lightheaded so we found a fan that would do the job. It turns out he was also coming down with a cold so it wasn't Nolan's happiest holiday to date. Here are the pictures we took that day. Check out the pies... I made the apple one under the direction of my sister, Lacey. I was just a bit proud of myself!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Getting in the Spirit
I'm starting to really get excited for Christmas. Okay, I was already excited weeks ago. I even put some Christmast lights up. Last week I made this:
It didn't take much - just a cheap wreath from Wal-Mart, and some miniature ornaments. So festive!
Last Saturday we went to the Christmas tree lighting at Gateway. We're not sure why they lit the tree before Thanksgiving but I won't complain. We went with Grandma K and Justin's brother's family. They gave away cookies and hot cocoa while we listened to Jon Schmidt play the piano. Luckily we were prepared with hats and gloves even though it wasn't too terribly cold. The tree really is gorgeous! The surprise of the night was seeing Santa drive up in a carriage. Nolan was so happy! It also didn't hurt that we rode Trax to get there. He can't get enough of trains.
Today I made my favorite pumpkin cookies. So yummy and easy! Just a can of pumpkin (15 oz.) and a box of spice cake mix. Throw in some chocolate chips. Bake @ 350 for 10 to 12 minutes. Here are Nolan and his buddy Jaxon enjoying a beater.
Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about Thanksgiving. I hope you all have a happy turkey day. I wish you all a glorious nap that afternoon. I doubt I'll be so lucky!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Girls Getaway
I spent this past weekend with my mom and sisters in Park City... a much-needed break away from Nolan is what it came down to for me. The kiddo has been wearing me down and the time away made me remember all the reasons I love him. We started our weekend by going to see Good Things Utah. We're pretty sure it was the most boring show they've had. There were three "on location" segments, a lame craft, and a cauliflower recipe. It panned the audience once and it's obvious that I was holding back a yawn. Bummer that we happened to be there for a blah show. We thought it was interesting that the Good Things girls don't give a hoot about what the reporters or Joy in the Garden are saying. They gab and mess around (or eat) until the camera is on them. I think they were just as bored. It would be fun to go again if I just knew they would have better guests or a musical number.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Never-ending Yard Work
That's the theme of our lives, really. Yard, yard, yard, and the only one loving it is Nolan. If you think you're sick of reading about it, then think how I feel about doing it! This past week was spent planting our last tree, moving rocks to make the creek bed, spreading massive amounts of weed fabric ($$$, ug), hauling bark from the trailer and truck we borrowed, and spreading it out. I worked so hard in the yard that I think I felt my testosterone levels rise (but not that much). Justin took a brief nap while putting Nolan to sleep and he came out to find the trailer emptied. I was proud of myself... it's the least I could do for his birthday! We're really close to being done. If any of you are considering buying a home and putting in a yard yourself, run the other way! If any of you are considering putting in a dry creek bed, just say over and over again like a mantra: I don't need this in my life! We're pretty proud of ourselves that after nearly 3 years of working on our yard, we're nearly finished. Now we can start maintaining it. These pics show our progress:
Here are this week's random pictures:
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Here are some pictures from Justin's Uncle Jeff. We've had requests to see our costumes. We were never quite ready for when he would snap the picture (hence the funny post in the first one), but at least you get the idea. My mom did a great job with altering my dress and making the silver "shawl" thing, even if no one knew what we were. Justin even matches! I'm realizing that makeup really does a lot for me! So I give you Justin and Kenzee from Dancing with the Stars! In case you're wondering, I'm the star. ;-)
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Spooky Weekend
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Long day already
Last night, we left Nolan with Rob and Lacey so that we wouldn't have to take him to the downtown Salt Lake health department for H1N1 shots. It's a good thing they were able to watch him. We woke up at 4:30 and were in line by 5:45. Justin did an estimate and figured that at that point we were around 120th in line. There were somewhere around 1,500 doses so we were safe. We were prepared with lawn chairs, winter clothes, and a snuggly sack for Ezra. The line grew and grew and by 7 a.m., there were already too many people to receive the vaccine. It took us one hour to get to the nurse station after they opened. It would have felt like a lot longer if Nolan was with us running around. We watched people get turned away and there was a sheriff at the front doors in case anyone got out of line. So now we just need to stay away from crowds (and Wal-Mart) for another week until the vaccine kicks in and then I'll feel like Ezra is pretty safe. An early morning and two and a half hours in line definitely seem worth it to me.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
No messing around
Today I heard there were H1N1 vaccines in Salt Lake County so I rushed in to get Nolan taken care of. No more waiting around for more shipments to arrive in our county. I even got his seasonal flu shot, too. That wasn't pretty because we had to go to a different room and he knew exactly what was coming by then - and the sucker in his mouth was no longer cuttin' it. He was a big boy though so we went out to lunch afterward (or maybe that reward was for me!). Too bad he'll need a booster in a month. And Justin and I are just hoping there are adult doses available soon since Ezra is too young to get one. There are lots of people at Tooele High School with it and they're thinking of closing down. I hope we can keep the little guy safe.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Birthday Week
It's not really our birthdays yet, so don't feel bad thinking you forgot. (Maybe you didn't even feel bad when you saw the title... in which case, shame on you!) But our vacuum has really been giving out on us over the past few months and it was time to upgrade. We went with the Dyson 25 Ball vacuum. When Justin put it together his exact words were, "It's an engineering work of art." I said something less intelligent like, "oooohhh, it's so neat." Believe me, I wanted a less expensive vacuum but the Dyson is the only one recommended by the allergy association, and Justin has horrible allergies 3 seasons out of the year. We're hoping it will help. It's so fabulous to use the hose and have it actually suck! It really is so easy to control and empty, and we don't have to replace filters or bags. Woohoo! Just as an experiment, we vacuumed with the old vac and then with the new one to see how much our old vac had missed. Well, you can see for yourself. Gross! Every day Nolan says, "where's that new vacuum?" And then he answers himself by saying, "oh, in the closet." Here's the new little beauty. It was such fun!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Pretty Mommy
Today was a cleaning sort of day... the type of day that I don't do my hair or makeup. I let down my ponytail tonight and "stored" my clips on the side of my head until I went to bed. I was feeling quite homely, but Nolan made me feel all better. As I tucked him in, I was hurrying him along, saying "Come on, get into the covers!" He looked up at me, paused meaningfully, and said, "Oh, pretty mommy." I said, "What did you say?" (I figured I couldn't have possibly heard correctly. He looked up and said, "Mommy so pretty." I told Justin about it and then Justin asked Nolan, "How pretty is mommy?" Nolan said, "Soooo pretty!" Now that's what I call a great mom moment!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
What a visit!
I had a great time with the little boys in St. George. Justin had a short business trip in Virginia and loved his time there. He said it was beautiful! He didn't so much like staying home alone the rest of the week, eating an assortment of frozen foods. I can't stay home alone unless I take a good dose of Unisom (which isn't good when baby wakes to nurse) so my parents were kind enough to help us get down there to stay. Thanks for driving with us! Some of the best parts of the trip included:
Friday, September 25, 2009
"Good job, honey!"
With my terrible memory, I thought I'd better write some recent quotes from Nolan:
"Good job, honey!"
"Mommy pee pee on potty, good job sweetheart!"
After burping: "Gross one!"
While looking up in the sky: "Nolan eat that moon!"
When he was feeling attention deprived: "Put Ezra down right there."
"Mommy do it!!!"
Looking up on the hill at the TV antennaes: "Antennae lights come on night time."
Most nights while looking up at the temple picture on his wall: "Mommy Daddy married in temple."
Being tucked into bed: "Daddy leave. Mommy cuddle."
When I turned on the blowdryer, he yelled, "Settle down!"
Looking at a picture of he and Ezra: "Sweet boy."
Looking for a snack: "Make you something."
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Nice melons
We've now had two cantaloupes from our garden. They are so yummy! Soon our watermelon will be ready, too.We're not getting much else right now except basil, a few strawberries, and a handful of tomatoes. I don't go out too often. It's a jungle (of weeds) out there!
And calling all Grandmas and Grandpas: Here are some of the most recent pictures that we've taken of the boys. It's hard to believe that Ezra is already 3 months old and Nolan is 2 1/2! Before I know it I'll be wrinkled and looking back on this time with warm feelings of nostalgia. But for now, one of the best times of the day is nap time! Here are the little toadies:This is Nolan's personality lately: a tantrum-throwing thief! He stole that big Donald Duck from the church nursery while I was exercising. He ran out to the doors with it and I was too pooped to take it back since I was carrying Ezra and all my stuff. So he got to take it home for the weekend. You can see it in his eyes that he knows he got away with something. And of all the toys to steal... that?! Really. Speaking of eyes - check out how scared Justin is of Nolan's tantrum. In case anyone forgot, click to make the pictures bigger.
Ezra is a dream baby. I'm sorry for those out there who think it's obnoxious that I keep saying stuff like that. But it's true. He's so good. I just want to munch on those cheeks! He is so yummy! I'm expecting giggles and rolling over any day now. He's getting too big!
Whether naughty or nice, we love them both at the end of the day... because by then they're sleeping!
Last Saturday was Justin's open house at work. His company only does this every few years because they do a lot of military contracting. Nolan got toy rockets, airplanes, cars, balloons, otter pops, coloring books, and treats. We hung out in Dad's cubicle (while Ezra ate) and Nolan drew on the white board. We even saw small explosions outside. The free lunch was great, too. The next day we asked Nolan what his favorite part was. He said, "Color Daddy's markers." Maybe we'll get him a white board for Christmas!