Monday, October 19, 2009

Birthday Week

It's not really our birthdays yet, so don't feel bad thinking you forgot. (Maybe you didn't even feel bad when you saw the title... in which case, shame on you!) But our vacuum has really been giving out on us over the past few months and it was time to upgrade. We went with the Dyson 25 Ball vacuum. When Justin put it together his exact words were, "It's an engineering work of art." I said something less intelligent like, "oooohhh, it's so neat." Believe me, I wanted a less expensive vacuum but the Dyson is the only one recommended by the allergy association, and Justin has horrible allergies 3 seasons out of the year. We're hoping it will help. It's so fabulous to use the hose and have it actually suck! It really is so easy to control and empty, and we don't have to replace filters or bags. Woohoo! Just as an experiment, we vacuumed with the old vac and then with the new one to see how much our old vac had missed. Well, you can see for yourself. Gross! Every day Nolan says, "where's that new vacuum?" And then he answers himself by saying, "oh, in the closet." Here's the new little beauty. It was such fun!

The next day, Justin received his ham radio in the mail. It would have been the perfect Christmas present because it's the kind of thing that takes a lot of fiddling with and learning how to use. It would have been perfect to lounge around with near the fireplace. O-well. He couldn't wait and I didn't have the heart to make him. Now we have the sweet sound of radio static permeating the house.

The funny thing is that my Nana called me to wish me a happy birthday the day I got the vacuum. She was one month early but it seemed fitting!
Ezra's 4-month well check-up was today. Here are his stats: 14 lbs. 2 oz. (40th percentile); 24.7" tall (60th percentile); 16.5 cm head circumference (60th percentile). I had an appointment to get Nolan a seasonal flu vaccine and of course they called me this morning to tell me they were out. So an appointment does not reserve your vaccine? Even when you made your appointment two weeks ago and they had plenty? NO! Really annoying if you ask me. So then I had to scramble to find someone to watch Nolan so that I didn't have to take him. Thanks, Lacey!!! The doctor seemed irritated with his staff that it happened and promised they'd call as soon as it gets in.
Lastly, we've been planting trees and putting in our dry creek bed. It's good to see that there's an end to the landscaping in sight - not really soon, but we'll get there. We now have a crabapple, a plum, and a pear tree. Work, work, work!
And here are my boys this week. Ezra is starting to really pay attention to Nolan while he is playing. I'm glad Nolan is a nice brother and brings him toys every now and then.
If anyone lives in St. George and needs an awesome photographer, check out my cousin at She does such a great job. I just need to find a time to get down there and have pictures done. You can enter a contest to win a free photo session.


Justin P said...

Oh man, this one is extra embarassing. Is there a word that simultaneously means worldly and nerdy? I can't believe we took that many pictures of a vacuum cleaner, even if it is an engineering work of art...

neil and aubs said...

I LOVE my dyson! It is my 3rd child, and I couldn't live without it! You will love yours too, and find it well worth the money. Happy Birthday!

terrah said...

We LOVE our Dyson. I'm amazed at what it picks up! And after having a regular vacuum that was not that great, it's so nice to not be out buying replacement bands and bags.

At least you got a call about the flu shot! Last year I took my girls in for their appointment, and the receptionist told me they were out of shots that day. Needless to say, I was not happy. We got flu shots here a few weeks ago, and got swine flu shots (available for 4 and under only) yesterday. Too bad we'll have to go back in a month for boosters for the swine flu shot. It seems neverending!

Samantha said...

I don't think it's too weird to be excited about a vacuum cleaner, but then we sit around and watch ours so maybe we aren't a good base to judge from!

The Morreys said...

It's so nice to find a vacuum you love. I got a new one last month and love it so much I actually look forward to using it.

If you remember, let me know if you find out when the doctor has more flu vaccine. I've called a few times over the last few weeks and they always tell me that they just ran out. Hopefully we'll all be able to stay healthy until then.

Lacey said...

Lucky you!! I can't believe you gave in and let Justin have his radio!! Thats so vunny Nana called you too!!
We'll be having a fabulous weekend in Park City on your real birthday!! Yahoo!!

Lawrence Family said...

Congrats on your new vacuum! How exciting...I hope it's a good one.
For a second, I really thought maybe I did miss your birthday. Thank goodness I didn't!
Such cute pictures of the boys...they are getting so big.