Monday, January 12, 2009

"I love you"

Last night before tucking Nolan into bed, Justin and I experienced one of those most sublime moments of parenthood when your children seem to actually appreciate you. Well, maybe not but it certainly was special. I told Nolan to say goodnight to Daddy. Justin picked him up and said, "Nolan, look at Daddy." They looked in each others eyes and Justin clearly said, "I love you" so that Nolan might really understand what he was saying. Nolan stared right back and slowly said, "I love you." It doesn't quite sound like that yet, but you can see for yourself in this short clip. We both nearly got choked up because it was the sweetest thing we've ever heard Nolan say. It's been so fun to hear all of his new words and more actual phrases.

I'm 16 weeks along now and my tummy popped this week. It's bittersweet when Nolan sits on my lap because he won't be able to sit comfortably for long. It feels like I'm trading my baby for another one, but he was bound to grow up anyway! It just went so fast.


Aceneth Warner said...

He is soooo cute, I love this face, they are so crazy, but also so cute they way they learn and try to do what you do.

P.S Your belly is soooo Big, you watch that thing!!!

neil and aubs said...

He is darling. Avery had me click it a few times because she wanted to "make him talk." Videos on a blog is so fun.

Samantha said...

That is sweet!

The Morreys said...

I love hearing his sweet little voice! We've been trying to get Ethan to say "I love you" for ages and he won't try it seems because he knows we want him to say it so badly. He loves to say "baby sad" whenever Brooklyn cries and he seems so proud of himself. I love your video!

Unknown said...

I love the toddler age. Those moments will stay with us forever. Goodness Kenzee, you don't have a belly yet. I just saw you. You should have seen me at 16 weeks!

Lawrence Family said...

Man...I love that kid!!! He is such a good talker! He is going to seem so big when you have a new baby!

john and amber said...

That is so adorable! Jaxon had me repeat Nolan's video multiple times. He loved watching his friend on the screen and just kept laughing.

Brianne said...

How sweet! I would've cried if Carter would've said that to me. But let's face it, he won't hardly say two words, so we have a ways to go before that day! Can't wait to see that belly popping out! I'm way excited for you guys!

Mrs. Lay said...

+That is so cute!