Sunday, March 1, 2009

Exciting Day

Friday was the big day! We broke ground on our new fence! Nolan could hear loud noises coming from the front yard and he ran to the window. This is what he found:Naturally he was so excited to see a truck that he ran to get his puppy to share the news. How thoughtful that he would share all the joy with puppy! Neither one wanted to miss out on the action:We are so excited to see this fence go up. It will be a real blessing to let Nolan loose in the backyard to play safely. The team hit a sprinkler line but Justin already fixed it. Hopefully there aren't any other problems. We are grateful that our neighbors all decided to help out. I don't think we could have put it in this year without their half and the great deal that we got because we signed in January. Yahoo! We're ready for Spring!


Errin said...

How cool! I've always wanted to have a fenced yard! I bet you guys will just love it!

Aceneth Warner said...

I amjealous. I wish my neighbour would be as willing to pay for their half. We only have one supportive neighbour. oh well, Have fun with your new fence!!!

Unknown said...

That is exciting! How I long to have a fenced yard. Maybe one day.

The Morreys said...

I bet Nolan will love watching all the big machinery in your yard. You will love your fence and the freedom it will provide you!! Though I wouldn't expect it to take long for Nolan to figure out an escape plan.

Brianne said...

Woo Hoo! Who would've ever thought that a fence would be exciting...but it is. Especially when you have a little guy who wants to be outside. I'm glad all your neighbors went in on it helpful.

Monica said...

A fence was the first thing I had to have when we moved in. Your doing it just in time for nice weather. Nolan is going to love it - as will you!

john and amber said...

That IS an exciting day! Love the pics of Nolan and his little friend watching out the window. Having a fence is the greatest thing!

The Firths said...

Not bad. Fences are great!