Thursday, May 21, 2009

Birthday Wish

My birthday isn't until November 15th, but I already know what I want: dinner at one of my favorite restaurants and then to see this!!!
I can't wait!


Monica said...

I saw that picture the other day and found myself a bit excited for November as well! Sounds like you should be pretty easy to please for your birthday this year!

Justin said...

Um, so while we're on the topic...what is your favorite restaurant?

Aceneth Warner said...

me too, my sisters and I have the night planned out for when the movie comes out.

Lacey said...

I wanna come!! Please?!!

The Firths said...

I know exactly how you are feeling .... so excited about this. And I understand about the b-day wish...Harry Potter comes out a few days after mine.


Jodi said...

Good call! Are there any good movies coming out in July?? I may have to wait until November to celebrate too. It was great seeing you guys! Rocky keeps talking about how cool Nolan and his basement are.

Lawrence Family said...

Sounds like my kind of date night! That picture makes me so excited to see the movie. Can't wait!!!

The Firths said...

So, Jen had me watch the first one. It wasn't too bad. I think she's pretty excited too!

Mrs. Lay said...

Ahh! I can't wait :)