Saturday, May 30, 2009

Name Poll

Thanks, everyone, for voting on the baby name poll. It's been fun to see the names that you like. We still haven't decided on one... we want to wait and see what the little guy looks like (like we did with Nolan).
I had my 36 week appointment yesterday. I've made a little progress (1 cm, 50% effaced) but I know it doesn't mean anything. I've known women to be at 3 or 4 cm for two or three weeks. The disappointing thing is that my doctor is going to be out of town the entire week surrounding my due date. I don't care too much about having another doctor deliver, I'm just worried that another doctor won't schedule an induction and I'll end up going 5 (or more!) days over again, with an even bigger baby. I'm sure it will all work out in the end.


Errin said...

wow, how exciting.. sounds like your next post will be of the baby ...haha! Goodluck and congrats!

Lacey said...

OH!! I just asked you in my e-mail and I hadn't seen this post. Disregard my question. That's a bummer about your doctor being gone. Won't she just induce you before she leaves?!! That would work out too! He He!

neil and aubs said...

I vote it is time for a good belly picture before you pop!

Monica said...

Sounds like what happened to me. My doc was in Alaska and I had to wait for her to get home to be induced. So, really - best of luck with that. Hopefully things will just happen on there own for you.

john and amber said...

Yes, I was one of those "women" at 4 cm for weeks. :) It'll work out though, hang in there. You look so great and you are still pushing through at aerobics!! That's awesome. I can't wait to see the little guy!

Grabers said...

Wow,I hope you don't have to go over your date. I do have to say that you look so good for being so close to having your baby though. I guess enjoy sleep while you can if he comes later.