Thursday, June 11, 2009

Quick Update

My doctor's appt. went well yesterday. I didn't gain any weight this week, and I'm still measuring 36 cm (2 wks. behind) but my OB didn't seem worried about either one. In fact, she encouraged me to strip my membranes and whispered to the baby, "It would be fabulous if you come this weekend so I can meet you. I'm on call so come say hello!" I thought that was cute of her. So I'm now 3 cm and 60% effaced. I doubt stripping my membranes will move things along because it didn't work with Nolan (and she did it twice). However, this is my second baby and I know it works for some people. I guess we'll see. But I'm still planning on next Wednesday or Thursday for our induction. Bags are packed though, just in case!
In other news, my mom made it home from Europe this week. I was glad to know she was back in the country. She will be coming to stay for a week to help me cope with nursing, Nolan, sleepless nights, and putting food on the table. I don't know what we'd do without her and my sister, Lacey, who has so willingly agreed to watch Nolan for the first 24 hours so that Justin can stay at the hospital.
Justin's brother, Daren, has been staying with us for the past 5 nights. He left this morning because he was finally able to find an apartment in SLC. He's moving from California in a few days. Nolan sure was happy to have a new face in the house and Justin enjoyed his "date" with him to Costa Vida and to see the Star Trek movie. Thanks, Daren, for going with him to the show. That's one movie that I really don't think I need to see. Justin just loved it!
This morning I dusted my blinds so I feel like this baby can come any time now. It's such a good feeling to have that done.


Brianne said...

Kenz, you make me laugh. The LAST thing on my mind the last month of my pregnancy would be dusting my're too cute. As for your dr. appt., I'm glad your progressing at least. I can't wait to meet the little guy.

Oh, and I TOTALLY understand the whole Star Trek movie thing. Ryan went with his Dad and I was perfectly fine with that. Have no desire, so it's a good thing we have family members to go with our trekie husbands.

Call ANYTIME if you need anthing.

terrah said...

That's great that your mom is home before the baby comes-- it's so nice to have family to help out. And you are so nice to have your brother stay with you so late in your pregnancy. I think I would have said yes if I needed to do something like that, but been grouchy about it :). Good luck with everything!

Amber Blair said...

Well, I hope he comes soon. I remember all too well how hard it is to wait and wait. I can't wait to see pictures!!

Aceneth Warner said...

good luck, I hope it happens fast and soon !

Lawrence Family said...

Hooray...I'm soooo excited for this baby!!! Did Lacey tell you that we are probably coming a few days after you have him. I'm sorry, I just can't stay away.

Monica said...

Nothing worse than waiting for that little one to come. but it will have later than sooner - atleast for me.

john and amber said...

If you get bored before Wednesday, just call me! I know the last bit of waiting is the worst. Also, if you need any help with Nolan after your mom is gone, just let me know. Oh, and you are welcome to come over anytime and dust my blinds for me, too! :)

The Firths said...

I made a comment to Jen that you're "nesting" or cleaning the place so you can have the baby! We don't even clean the blinds normally.