Friday, September 25, 2009

"Good job, honey!"

With my terrible memory, I thought I'd better write some recent quotes from Nolan:
"Good job, honey!"
"Mommy pee pee on potty, good job sweetheart!"
After burping: "Gross one!"
While looking up in the sky: "Nolan eat that moon!"
When he was feeling attention deprived: "Put Ezra down right there."
"Mommy do it!!!"
Looking up on the hill at the TV antennaes: "Antennae lights come on night time."
Most nights while looking up at the temple picture on his wall: "Mommy Daddy married in temple."
Being tucked into bed: "Daddy leave. Mommy cuddle."
When I turned on the blowdryer, he yelled, "Settle down!"
Looking at a picture of he and Ezra: "Sweet boy."
Looking for a snack: "Make you something."


Tobler's said...

Haha I love the things they say. I love the temple one. How sweet!

Justin P said...

You forgot "Daddy leave. Mommy cuddle."

Lacey said...

When are you coming home? I miss that little guy!

The Firths said...

I like the "Daddy leave" comment.

Lawrence Family said...

What a personality that boy has...he keeps us laughing!!! It was so fun seeing you guys last week.