I'm sitting here just waiting for Christmas Eve to come. I thought I would jot down a few thoughts before I head to bed.
First, Ezra had his 6-month well visit last week. He weighs about 16 lbs. (I can't remember the exact weight) and is in the 24th percentile. He is in the 30th percentile for height and the 50th for his head. He is turning out to be a little guy compared to Nolan at this age. I told the doctor that Ezra continues to wake up around 1:30 a.m. even though I have fed him oatmeal and nursed him at 9:30 p.m. He is concerned that I'm not making enough breast milk. Well, if you've seen me, then you would obviously agree. I certainly don't look like a nursing mother. I've tried giving him formula in a bottle and a syringe (given by the doctor) but he won't put up with it. I'm losing weight (about 3 lbs. in the past 2 weeks) so I'm trying my best to eat lots of food so that I will make more milk and stop wasting away. Thank goodness it's the holidays, right? Love that food!!! Anyway, Ezra is healthy, he just needs to eat in the night for now. I guess for Christmas I'm dreaming of a full night of uninterrupted sleep (along with a lot of other moms out there, I'm sure).
Nolan's vocabulary is really incredible lately. Yesterday he was telling me all about the gears inside of his Grandma K's oven. He said something like, "there are gears in that oven at Grandma K's house by the cookie jar. It gets hot. Not gears in the clock but just in the oven right there." When asked what he wants for Christmas he rattles off this list without taking a breath: "a red semi truck, a green garbage truck, a bumblebee transformer car (how does he even know about that?!), a fire station with a helicopter and the building." Last week my mom was visiting with him just before he was going to bed. They talked for a moment and then during a lull, Nolan said, "So, what's happenin'?" And after sitting on Santa's lap last week, he kept singing his own song: "It was a special day..." We just think he is so much fun. At night we sing him several songs. He sometimes continues to ask for more. Well, one night Justin got up and said, "No more songs. Daddy is too tired to sing. Good night, love you." Before he could get to the door Nolan says, "Don't sing any more songs, Daddy. Just cuddle with me." He is clearly starting to negotiate. I wish I could jot down all the things that make me laugh, bottle them up in a jar, and pull them out for later when I can't remember anymore.
Nolan is so adorable! What a clever kid. I miss that little guy! And cuddly Ezra too. I wish we were up in Logan with all of you. That must be frustrating about the breast milk. Well... if you need to gain weight, I recommend cheesecake. Is there honestly anything better than that? I had 2 pieces for dinner last night. Just cheesecake. I wish you some for the holidays!
Beautiful boys, Kenzee!!!
My girls may have told him about the Bumblebee transformer! That kid is hilarious!
It's been so fun to finally catch up on your blog! Love the picture of the boys at the Sweets Candy Factory, and that family pic of you guys at Temple Square is so cute!
PS- you know if I could share some of my extra prego pounds, and boobs with you, I would! :) Hang in there Kenz...I hope Ez starts taking the bottle for ya. He doesn't look too small to me...he looks just perfect!
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