Sunday, May 9, 2010

Love you!

Happy Mother's Day to all of the mothers and grandmothers in our lives. It's been a little crazy around here with Justin working long hours, some insane weed pulling, and potty training. That's why we didn't get out cutesy cards out with photos of the boys. I'm sorry - this will have to do. This is our sad attempt at a happy, loving picture for you. The paper was getting crumpled because Ez kept trying to eat it. Ez also kept flopping over to cuddle with his blanket (he already loves it way too much). And Nolan kept yelling, "He's eating it!" Moms, you deserve much more but we hope you know that we love you so much! Hope it was a wonderful day.

Justin cooked a lovely omelette dinner for me and tidied up the house. He also helped with Nolan's bowel movement that didn't make it to the right place. Let me just say, potty training is getting old. I'm seriously thinking about putting him back in diapers and trying again in a few months. I hope it doesn't come to that.

Some good news for me today. I'm the secretary in Young Women's and our president is moving this week. Laurie has been wonderful to serve with, along with Connie and Missy, the counselors. I was feeling bad that I wouldn't be the secretary any more because it's a great calling. Well, I knew the release was coming, but I also had an interview with the bishop and Justin was invited to come. Oh boy - what scary change awaited me?! Well, it turns out they called me to be secretary in the new presidency! Yay!!! It will be great working with Christie, Kerri, and Anna-Marie. So the good news is that I don't have a new scary calling. What a relief!

Another good part of the day was a long quiet afternoon of reading. The boys are beginning to sleep at the same time (only one nap now for Ez) and it was so nice. Justin was saying that our Heavenly Father was very compassionate when he "programmed" children to need naps. It's such a big help to their parents. And then he also said, "And it even makes sense from an evolutionary standpoint - Kids who take better naps are more likely to survive their parents!" So true.

Ezra is beginning to pull himself up to kneeling. He wants badly to stand up, but I don't think that will come for another week or two. Still no crawling with the tummy off the floor, but he sure gets around with his army scoot. He's beginning to drink from a sippy if the valve is off so that it just runs into his mouth. I figure he has no other choice but to swallow.


Unknown said...

I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day. Danny has been so busy working, he forgot. He did make it up to me by taking me to the Cheesecake Factory. Don't worry about potty training, he will get one day.

Lawrence Family said...

Sounds like you had a very nice Mother's Day! Congrats on the new calling...I'm so happy they didn't ask you to be the Pres. You've got that secretary stuff down!!!!

john and amber said...

You describing what the boys were doing while you were trying to take that picture just cracks me up! Isn't that how it is when us moms try for "posed" pictures!

Hang in there with potty training...I hope you don't have to put Nolan back in diapers. It definitely can be frustrating, but oh SO worth it when they get it!

I'm excited for you that you get to stay in with the new YW presidency. You've been able to serve with some awesome women!

The Hansens said...

I hope you had a great Mothers day. and it sounded like you did! That pic of the boys is really cute...they look real excited to be taking it. and congrats on the new/old calling. Ill bet you are the best secretary! and amen about the naps!