Friday, July 2, 2010

Summer Days

Nolan recently completed swimming lessons at Deseret Peak. He was typically the first one to hop into the water, often announcing to his teachers, "Here I am!" There was a brief near-drowning experience with him and another girl. I looked over and saw them floundering underwater. I was able to reach Nolan and when I pulled him out it caught the attention of the lifeguard who jumped in for the girl. Scary, but Nolan recovered okay. He would come home and say, "I'm such a fast swimmer." Most of the days we would stay and swim afterward. Ezra loves the water and I even enjoyed going down the waterslide with Nolan. It was always fun to see our friends, Jaxon and Marshall, and our cousins, Ryan and Kendyll.
During one of his lessons, I was watching him from the side. I heard his teacher say, "What are you looking at, buddy?" as she tugged her swimming suit up. She looked at me and it was obvious that he was checking out her cleavage. I laughed and said, "Oh, his Mom isn't lucky enough to have that so he's very interested." A little awkward but she thought it was funny.
We also went to the Moulton Reunion which was held in Alton at my parents' cabin. At one point, we had 48 people in attendance. It was nice to have lots of space, good food, fun conversation, and time away from work and cleaning. Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Moulton, and all of those who came. We missed you if you weren't there, especially Jodi and Daren's families.

The first morning, we woke up at 5:45 a.m. to drive to Panguitch for a Hot Air Balloon Festival. We were amazed at how much fun it was to see 36 balloons being launched all around us, all within 30 to 45 minutes. Nolan and Grandma K were hoping for a ride, but it didn't happen in the end. Luckily, Nolan did get to walk around inside the balloon part as they were blowing it up with the fan (not the propane tank!). It was quite a sight and worth the loss of sleep.

We did a little hiking and had some bad luck at Cascade Falls - which was closed. But I think everyone had a good time in the end, especially cooling off at the waterfall near Bryce Canyon.

There was a bit of excitement when I was reading my book in the corner of the family room and turned to see a chipmunk staring at me. I quietly alerted Justin so that we didn't alarm anyone. Well, all the children became very interested as we tried to direct the chipmunk out the sliding door. Soon there were children everywhere and the poor chipmunk couldn't find a direct path anywhere. After shooing him out from under the oven, we finally got him to turn the corner. He nearly ran right into Nolan and my feet, but we quickly scared him out the door. Victory! After that everyone was much more dilligent about keeping the doors closed.
The highlight of the trip (for Nolan and Justin) was a 3.1 mile hike at Bryce Canyon, with an elevation change of 1500 feet. We started on the trail, but many of us soon turned around when we realized how hot and tired the children would be. It was a good thing Grandma K turned back with me because she was able to carry Ezra back up. My back is too weak (I know, pathetic) so she was a big help. Ez cried nearly the whole way back. I was worried about Justin and Nolan. Nolan had insisted on continuing. I pictured Justin having to trudge up the switchbacks with him on his back as he took puffs from his inhaler. After lazing about at the visitor's center for 2 hours, Justin told me that Nolan was quite the little champ! He was the only tike that never complained or asked to be carried. We're so proud of our little hiker and spelunker (he liked the caves, too). In fact, all the family at the top cheered him on as he came over the rim. He later told me, "I'm a very good hiker!"


Unknown said...

Sounds like you guys had a fun little trip!

The Firths said...

What fun! Glad the guys made the hike!

Brianne said...

Wow, you've been busy! Nolan kills me with his comments. It looks like you had fun at Deseret Peak with swim lessons. Wish we could've done them with you guys. I laughed when I read that Nolan was checking that girls chest out...they start that WAY too young! The Balloon Festival looks like a ton of fun. I would love to do something like that with Carter sometime.

hummingbird said...

Glad you guys had such a fun trip. I would love to have seen Nolan at swim lessons...he is halarious!

Lawrence Family said...

Great pictures!!! Looks like you guys had a really fun time at the cabin for your family reunion.