Saturday, July 17, 2010

Youth Conference and much more!

This week has been so exciting. I'll start with last Sunday. When I awoke from my rare and glorious nap, my two nieces were at our home. Lacey had gone into labor! I just knew she wouldn't wait until Wednesday, her induction day. It was nice having the girls over to play with my boys since I had lots of packing to do for youth conference. Just before I left at 6:45 a.m. the next morning, we got word that the little guy was finally here. Lacey and baby Travis had a rough time (forceps and all), but they are doing well. We're happy to have another boy grandchild in the mix, especially one as cute as him! I'll get pictures soon to prove it.

So I left Justin with four children as I headed off for youth conference! I was so excited I couldn't sleep the night before. It did not disappoint. There were many fun activities, water fights, sports games, a fun dance, lots of good food (anything tastes better when I don't have to cook it), great spiritual moments, etc. etc. Our youth are awesome and I had a great time with the other leaders as well. If not for the lack of sleep I would have stayed a couple more days if I could! I felt like I was in high school again going to the dance and staying up late eating junk food and playing games. My bedroom even got slammed with water balloons at 1 a.m. The stake made a handful of boys write me apology letters. Poor kids... I thought it was funny! What an adventure. Justin did so well with the kids. He had the house clean and even had to take care of Kendyll's bloody nose. My mom only had to babysit one afternoon (thank you!!). It was a fabulous break for me. Next time we'll have to take a break together. Thanks, Doodah!
This week we've also been exploring in the moutains and tried a new local frozen yogurt shop. Delicious! We saw an official Home Depot stock car where Ezra tried his first cotton candy and Nolan threw another hideous tantrum. Justin took Nolan to an Elders Quorum activity this morning. They went shooting. Yes, we put a 22 semi-automatic rifle in the hands of our 3-year-old. Justin said that Nolan took a shot, looked around, and then continued shooting all over with a serious look on his face (Dad never took his hands off the rifle, of course). He then wanted to try the handgun... that's where Daddy drew the line!


Mrs. Lay said...

How adorable. Are you in Young Womens? I just got called as Secretary. Seems like just a little while ago we were in young womens ourselves :)

Unknown said...

I had no idea lacey was even pregnant! Tell her congrats from me! What is his name? Sounds like you had fun at youth conference. That reminds me of when we went to youth conference all those years together. Good memories!

Steve and Kirsten said...

Sounds like you had a great time at youth conference. I knew it would be good : ). Love the pictures of Nolan with the gun : )

Lawrence Family said...

Looks like you had so much fun at Youth Conference...I'm so glad that you got to go!!!

Monica said...

I've only heard good things about this years youth conference - how fun for you to get away. It's always nice to get out without having to keep track of little ones.

Brianne said...

I'm glad you had fun at YC. I always loved going those. Home Depot was kind of those pictures of Ez with the cotton candy. I can't believe Justin took Nolan shooting. Too funny!

john and amber said...

I'm so glad you had such a great time at youth conference! It's nice to feel like a teenager again once in awhile, and not have to worry about taking care of your own kids. I'm glad you got a break! Great job Justin for holding down the fort while Kenz was gone. ;)

Love the pics of Nolan and Justin with the gun!

Aceneth Warner said...

Looks like you guys had a lot of fun at conference, I keep hearing it from the girls as well!

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