Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas Program

Nolan did a wonderful job singing and saying his part at Miss Marissa's Christmas preschool program. His part was part of a longer poem: "red-leaved poinsettia, white Christmas rose." We were impressed with how well he annunciated the words. He did so good at knowing the songs and their actions.
My friend gave me these pictures and she also uploaded some videos to share. You can see those here:

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Second Santa Note

The other day the boys received a movie from Santa via Portable North Pole's website. If your kiddos haven't received one, you should check it out. Nolan loved his movie and then asked to write another note. We sent Santa the email, but here is what it said:

Dear Santa,
I'm waiting for Christmas. I can't wait! It can't be any longer. Don't do it on Christmas night because I'm waiting. The end.
Love, Nolan

It turns out that Santa really is actually coming a day early this year. With work schedules it just works better, and Santa was okay with it. Good thing, too... I don't think Nolan could have waited!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

It's Official...

...the boys now have an awesome playroom to call their own. I was really wanting to put some sheet metal up on the wall, but I finally let the idea go. I think it would have looked amazing since it's a robot room, but the logistics were making it difficult and I didn't really want to spend more money on that right now. So I finally just stuck up the vinyl and called it good. Nolan said, "Look Mom! I'm holding the robot's hand!"

Ezra thinks stockings go on heads. I tried to explain by putting it onto his whole leg, but it was no use. He kept asking for help to put it on (to balance it, is more like it) and then he said, "I'm like Santa!"

Nolan has really practiced hard to make his Christmas ornaments a work of art.

And the best toy for my boys to date....

is a cardboard box and markers! I wonder if Santa will be able to top that!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Merry Christmas

We sent out a handful of cards this year, but most of our greetings go out over the internet. We hope it's a happy Christmas for all of our friends and family.

We had a good visit with Santa at our new grocery store (which has been so nice to have nearby) last week. There was no line, he gave out giant candy canes, and they even had photographers taking pictures. I thought, "Oh great, they're going to charge for pictures." But they told me to come back several days later and they'd be ready to pick up. Sure enough, they were waiting... for free! I know it's a silly thing to be so happy about, but it seems like even getting a picture with Santa can cost an arm and a leg and be such a headache to wait in line. What a relief! Ezra was silent with a little grin on his face that got bigger when Santa gave him a candy cane. Nolan told Santa that he wants a surprise this year.

I helped Nolan write a letter to Santa. He did a little of the writing and then I just wrote what he told me to. And he's sticking with the "surprise" request. Cute. It's so fun to have kids understand the magic of Santa Claus.

And we've also been doing some new traditions to help us remember Christ during the season. The book "A Christ-Centered Christmas" has been wonderful to use for Sunday activities and family home evening lessons this month.

I highly recommend it since the activities are simple and can be adjusted for kids of all ages. Every time we do one of the traditions we get to place the corresponding figure into our nativity. We're still anxiously awaiting the lamb, the wise men, and the baby Jesus. We most recently talked about the shepherds, made shepherd staff (candy cane) cookies, and shared our thoughts about Jesus by candlelight as we ate our cookies.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


I occasionally mention things that Nolan says so I thought I'd share some of the phrases that Ezra has been saying lately.

Whenever I ask him to do something ("Finish your dinner" or "Time for a tubby!", etc.) he'll get his typical scowl on his face and say, "I just don't wanna talt about it, Mom." He can't say his "k" sounds yet.

When we knock on someone's door, he'll yell "Trust me!" until they open up.

I was sitting on the couch last night and he walked up to me and said, "I'm just packin' up. Just packin' up some stuff." Not to be rude, but sometimes I wish it was Ezra that went for short business trips instead of his Daddy.

Lately he's been scared of the dark. I hope it's a short phase. If I turn the light off he runs out and says, "Those monsters will get me!" Ezra still wakes up in the night when he sleeps in his room, but if I put him in the queen bed downstairs with Nolan he sleeps all night. Maybe he's scared and just needs a buddy to sleep with. I know how he feels.

I was reading a conference talk by Quentil L. Cook and Ez said, "There's Bro. Ramsey!" That's our neighbor who Ezra just adores.

And one little quote from Nolan: Today I made all of our neighborhood Christmas treats and then we drove around to everyones' houses. I was a bit exhausted. I started to sit down to watch a show (which I changed my mind and decided to blog instead) and Nolan said, "I think we better call a bunch of people and tell them to come for a party."
I said, "Why would we have a party today?"
He said, "Just 'cause I think you're pretty bored." I love how a mom can sit down for not even 10 seconds and someone mistakes her for being bored! Ha!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

A Happy Thanksgiving

We had planned to spend Thanksgiving in Logan, but Justin's grandparents were going out of town and we would only have a small group for dinner, so we ended up spending Thanksgiving at home. It was the first major holiday that we had stayed home. It was just the four of us, Grandma K., Jon, and his two daughters, Amanda and Sarah. I was a little skeptical about whether or not I could cook so much food, but it turned out great. Luckily I didn't have to do everything. Kathi did the turkey, green beans, rolls, and a yummy frozen fruit dish. I was most nervous about the stuffing, but I was pleasantly surprised that it was moist and flavorful. We had a great dinner together!

After overeating, we watched the movie "Everest" on Netflix and then played a little Wii. Then it was onto the pie: pecan, pumpkin, and a yummy chocolate/whipped cream pie that Jon brought. Grandma K. slept over another night and started the boys on the "Ha Ha" laughing game. Then we settled in for a Christmas movie on Netflix. We found some old classics from the 40's. Wow, it was really old! It was so nice to slow down and have some good family time. I think I might be tempted to spend holidays at home more often.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Goodbye Fall

I'm pretty bummed to see Fall winding down. We didn't do all that we wanted to do (pumpkin patches, corn mazes, some hiking) but we had a good time. Justin is swamped with work and school, so we've had to have family bonding in shorter intervals of time. We've had two or three snowy days, though, and the boys are pretty excited about it (much more excited than their mom). It's a lot of work getting kids into all the snow gear, I'm just sayin'. And then they come in all soggy.

I had a fun birthday this past week. Justin surprised me with a cake and an electronic reader! I was so excited! The morning of my birthday, Nolan wanted to wrap presents. I told him, "I don't think we have anything to wrap." He said, "Well, you can borrow my Legos to wrap up. You can." I said, "It wouldn't be a surprise, though." He said, "We can wrap them now and when you open them tonight you won't remember!" It's true, I do have a terrible memory... but maybe not that bad.

My parents both came to stay the weekend and they took us out to eat. It was nice that they have finished guest rooms to stay in. My Dad finished everything except several built-in food storage shelves. He's amazing! We're just so lucky to have had his skills and cheap labor (I mean free labor). He also gave us many good ideas throughout the whole process. And when I had an idea, like this corner ceiling cabinet in the family room, he was able to make it work. He was always happy to put in the extra effort to do the special things.

My mom had a neighbor getting rid of her curtains so she snatched them up on my behalf. She sewed my "inspiration" material on and then we got them hung while she was here. They turned out so cute! I couldn't be happier with how the colors turned out. It feels so relaxing.

My sister, mom and I went out shopping one day. We kept commenting on how nice it was to have a delicious lunch without worrying about keeping kids happy and busy. This Thanksgiving season, I'm especially aware of all that my parents have done for us. My Dad has worked so hard and spent so much time, and my Mom has never complained about having him gone so much. I'm sure there are things she'd like done around her own house, but I'm so glad she shares her handy man! Here's the vanity in the guest room and the completed bathroom. I kind of wish my bedroom was downstairs!

It wouldn't be like me if I didn't share a silly sleep picture. Nolan is crazy about art, cutting, and doing his workbooks. Sometimes it just wears him right out.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sleepy Boy

Ez sacked out on the couch/table a few days ago. Nolan can't help but give his little brother loves when he's asleep. I wish he'd do that while Ez is awake rather than all the chasing, poking, teasing, and bugging that goes on.

Birthday time!

We celebrated Justin's birthday with lunch at P.F. Chang with the kids, Grandma K., her boyfriend Jon, and his daughters, Sarah and Amanda. The kids always behave because the food is so good. Grandma K. drove the boys home while we went to the Gateway to see Footloose (we liked it!) and to get dessert at Biaggi's. It had been a really long time since we had gone out. Justin's been working long hours and studying for his online Stanford class. The night before had been especially difficult for me with the kids and it was so nice to have a break. This is the last of 4 classes; soon he'll have his certificate. The end is near!

Later that night we made Justin stop studying to blow out his candles and open presents. He received some nice hiking poles and some Legos. Last week, Justin celebrated the successful launch of a satellite that he was a part of at work. He had worked on the radio on board and he was so relieved when they were able to achieve communication. I was so proud of him that I got him the "Satellite Launch Pad" set. He thought it was pretty funny. Happy Birthday, honey!

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Just now I was reading on the couch and Nolan said, "Mom, do you speak your mind?" I told him that yes, I usually do. He said, "Congratulations, Mom! You speak your mind!"

Last week, Nolan was hanging out in the front yard with his friend, Clarice. Her Dad is a mechanic and was out working on a car, revving the engine. Nolan walked over and said, "What are you doing?"
He said, "I'm trying to fix this car."
Nolan said, "I think you might have to take it to the dump!"

The other day Nolan came to me wearing cardboard triangles on his arms that he had cut out and taped himself from a box waiting to be recycled (he's really into cutting, coloring, taping, and anything that he calls "art"). He wanted Dad's HAM radio because Daddy had once told him that at work he was helping to make a radio that will help soldiers at war. Here he is:

He said, "Mom, this is my armor. Will you drive me to a war?"
I said, "You'll have to have a pretend war, because there aren't any real wars that we can drive to, thank goodness."
He said, "Is there no war in Utah?"

Ezra has been talking like a regular kid now. He has quite the vocabulary. Ez was trying to watch a show and Nolan was being noisy. He said, "That's enough, Nolan! I'm watching my show!"

And whenever we give Ezra a squeeze he says, "You love me!" Yep, we do.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween Fun

We made caramel apples. Yummy!

We had a great time at our ward party last weekend. We trick-or-treated to different themed rooms and even crawled through a huge tunnel. Here is Nolan and his friend, Jaxon. Nolan didn't want any part of the costume parade on stage, but Ezra was game.

Nolan had a great time at his preschool party. I helped out and was able to see first hand how he behaves at school. I'm hoping it wasn't an accurate picture of the situation since it was Halloween (very exciting) and I was there. My kids are always better when I'm not around. At least that's what I'm told.

We carved one pumpkin this year. I'm really the only one that cares about it, so I didn't want to stretch myself too thin. The best part really is unveiling the goo inside. Other than that it's just a lot of work. But our ghost pumpkin turned out cute. No finished product picture, unfortunately.

I breathed a sigh of relief when Nolan agreed to be a skeleton again. I'm not a big fan of dealing with costumes. But they sure look cute.

Dad took Nolan and Ez around our street and after about 12 houses Ezra said, "I want to go home now." Not sure why he was done... it was so warm outside. But I went out with Nolan, and he filled his pumpkin to the brim. Maybe staying out for an hour and a half was too long for him. Oops. I guess I miss trick-or-treating myself. Plus I like to pick out all the best candy (chocolate), therefore I benefit from a full load. He came home and ate a pack of M&M's and then fell asleep on the couch. Ez ate candy all night and left half of it on his face. Fun night!

Church Boys

These boys clean up pretty well. Ezra loves to go to nursery. We've never had any trouble with him being happy to be dropped off... we're so lucky! Nolan says he doesn't like to go to church, but once we get there he is fine with going into class. Sacrament meeting is another story. We count our blessings if Ezra dozes off with his blanket, but we can't count on that happening too often. There are so few things that entertain him at this age. We mostly have to whisper-read some books in his ear. Nolan does great, though. He still hasn't mastered the art of whispering (for some reason he really struggles with keeping his voice soft) but he loves to draw, especially mazes that he makes for us to solve.

St. George Visit

It had been six months since we'd been to St. George (last Easter), so we were all excited for our visit. Aunt Lacey and her 3 kids drove with us so it was a full van of kiddos, but they all did really well. Here are the highlights:

We loved playing outside at the park. It was a gorgeous 75 degrees!

We had a campfire and a little hike at Red Cliffs. The kids loved exploring, it's just too bad the sun had to set so soon. I had to crack up when I saw this picture of my Dad. He's crouching down to tend the fire, but it looks like something else! And while my sister wasn't looking (she is usually very tidy when she feeds her tots) I gave Travis a whole s'more. Wow, what a sticky kid. I got your back Trav... he loved it!

The cousins played and played. Ez and Travis took a tub and we had to take a picture to compare their size. It's so funny that Ezra is older by 13 months but I'm pretty sure Travis weighs 13 pounds more (not really, but you get the idea).

We went to the Dixie State College homecoming parade where we got way too much candy. We even saw my Aunt Barbara in the parade!

Grandpa babysat while my mom, sisters, and several nieces and one nephew went to see "Thriller" at Tuacahn. I hadn't been in six years so I really enjoyed myself. Those zombies come out of nowhere and loved to startle, or just stare at us. But eventually we got some pictures with them. Kendyll doesn't look entirely comfortable with the idea.

My boys also had a great time swimming with Grandpa, visiting the cousins at Aunt Keeley and Bryan's house, and going to Krave for a yogurt treat. Luckily we had Halloween to look forward to, otherwise it would have been sad to go back home.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

My Sweet YW

I was missing the young women on the first Wednesday after being released. But the doorbell rang and several came to the door holding this:

What sweeties! I wanted to make sure to post because the note is so clever... I might need to remember it for the future. It was like pulling teeth getting the kids to leave the candy on long enough to snap a photo!

Nolan the Photographer

He's really good at what he does. He can really get in the zone, too. I just downloaded my camera and there were nearly 80 shots that he had taken. Good thing we have a great battery! Here is some of his work.

I have a feeling he may have captured Ezra working on "his business." And as a side note, have you ever seen so many outlets in such a small space? That would be Justin's doing. We're going to have a sweet movie area... yeah, in like 10 years. Ha ha!

Here we have a puppy portrait (his favorite subject) and an action picture as well. Maybe pup was having a hard time sitting still! I love how he's give us different emotions, and captured extra chillin' in the playroom.

And these are completely random, but I'm glad he captured our pumpkin family... they're pretty cute! Ez always picks up the little one and say, "Oh, beebee pumpkin." It's the closest thing we have to a baby girl in this family.

Risk-Taking Monkey Boy

I debated about whether I should share this picture. One reason: I probably shouldn't have taken it. Justin said not to put it on because people out there would report me as being abusive. That's a little harsh, maybe, but he does have a point. Ez was doing something dangerous, for sure. Two weeks ago I was downstairs and Nolan came running down saying, "Mom, Ezra is being naughty. Come see, quick!!!" I started up the stairs and realized Ezra was just above my head on the railing. What a little stinker! I'm not surprised, if I was a kid I would do it, too. But he seems so little to have tried climbing over there. I stood behind him and got him to go back, realizing he was quite steady, luckily.

After he got down, I went to get a drink of water. A minute later, Nolan says, "Mom, Ezra's doing it again!" I turn around and my camera is sitting right there on the counter. So my impulse is to grab it and snap a picture before getting him down and putting him in time out. Does that make me a bad mother? By the way, he hasn't done it since. Thank goodness.

Monday, October 10, 2011

End of an era

It had been 3 years and 2 months since I'd been called to Young Women's in our ward. I was the second counselor for only two months and then our ward split. I was then put in as the secretary and have really loved it. I've been through 3 different presidencies and have continued on as the secretary. I always felt so lucky! We had many great activities, and I was able to attend two youth conferences (during one summer I was due to have Ezra). I've loved serving with the other leaders and getting to know the youth in our ward.
But I knew the end was coming soon, and yesterday was the day. But I got lucky all over again: I'm now an activity day leader for the 11 yr. olds! I'm pretty excited to get to know my partner, Allison, and the other leaders that do the younger age group. I think I'm going to love these new girls. It's going to be great!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

New words

Today I colored my hair and Nolan was studying it over lunch. I said, "Do you notice that my hair looks different?" He said that he did notice and asked what I did to it. I said, "I dyed it so that the color is a little darker."
He thought for a second and said, "Oh, when did you kill it?"
Dye... kill... New words can be so confusing.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I've only been to several concerts in my life: Clay Aiken/Kelly Clarkson combined concert, Enrique Iglesias, an American Idol Tour concert, and The Beach Boys (my sister, Lacey, tells me that one doesn't count, but I had a blast with my mom!). Justin has only been to several as well: Gypsy Kings, Collective Soul, Kelly and Clay concert with me, and oddly enough, The Beach Boys! How interesting that we'd have that in common. Well last week we added another concert to our list: ERASURE! Justin and I went with Lacey and it was excellent! It was such a fun experience. We spent half the time laughing at the backup singers and their hilarious 60's moves (which is odd, because it's an 80's band), and watching in awe at the lead singers' flamboyant, feminine dance moves. Lacey called the night before the concert to get my reaction to a clip of one of Erasure's previous concerts. If you only watch for 28 to 30 seconds you'll get the idea:

Needless to say, Lacey and I were laughing so hard at that and were quite excited to see what the concert would be like. Justin was downright nervous that we'd spent actual money on it. But we were a little disappointed that he didn't even dance with a feather boa! Justin was glad he wasn't wearing a leotard. It was such a fun time. The only thing that would have made it better would have been to have Keeley and Bryan there with us. We could just picture how Bryan would have been dancing. It was a Wednesday night so they couldn't get up here from St. George. We missed them!

It was awesome how the keyboard player was rockin' the gargoyle on the right there.