Sunday, October 30, 2011

Risk-Taking Monkey Boy

I debated about whether I should share this picture. One reason: I probably shouldn't have taken it. Justin said not to put it on because people out there would report me as being abusive. That's a little harsh, maybe, but he does have a point. Ez was doing something dangerous, for sure. Two weeks ago I was downstairs and Nolan came running down saying, "Mom, Ezra is being naughty. Come see, quick!!!" I started up the stairs and realized Ezra was just above my head on the railing. What a little stinker! I'm not surprised, if I was a kid I would do it, too. But he seems so little to have tried climbing over there. I stood behind him and got him to go back, realizing he was quite steady, luckily.

After he got down, I went to get a drink of water. A minute later, Nolan says, "Mom, Ezra's doing it again!" I turn around and my camera is sitting right there on the counter. So my impulse is to grab it and snap a picture before getting him down and putting him in time out. Does that make me a bad mother? By the way, he hasn't done it since. Thank goodness.


Laura said...

oh my word! That is a crazy boy you've got! I'm glad you took the picture though and shared it with us. Hopefully he won't be trying it again. Yikes!

Samantha said...

I'd have taken a picture too!

Steve and Kirsten said...

Oh my goodness...that must have been scary. I have some pictures like that with Makenzie doing crazy's funny to look back on.

terrah said...

I just think it's so interesting what tricks kids will come up with. How innovative Ezra!

Brianne said...

What a stinker! That's scary. And, NO, you are not a bad mother for taking a picture first. I would've done the same thing (maybe that means both of us are bad mothers, huh?) j/k. You gotta capture those moments so when they are older they can see all that they put you through!!

Aceneth Warner said...

funny, but way scary. your kids are so cute and very active..;)I love seeing their smiles .

Lawrence Family said...

Okay....that is sooo funny and scary at the same time!!!!