Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Bald Spot

I thought it would be fun to make paper snowflakes with Nolan. He hasn't used scissors much and I thought it would be good practice. Well, I left him alone with the last snowflake for about two minutes, and I came back to find little hairs littering the table and his shoulders. He told me, "I just cut my hair here on top." I really couldn't see anything where he was pointing so I figured it must have been just a little here and there - not enough to do much damage. Well, it wasn't until two hours later that I really noticed the bald spot on the front of his hairline. My first thought was, "Thank goodness he isn't a girl." It would have been so much more noticeable. I'm starting to think that practicing with scissors isn't really neccessary at this point in his life.


Lawrence Family said...

Ha ha!!!! Wow...I can't believe that I didn't have a child try that. Oh well...Nolan still looks cute anyway!!!

Holly said...

That is so funny!!!!