Wednesday, March 30, 2011


The boys and I all came down with colds this week. We are mostly feeling better, just a little cough hanging on. But I went to singing practice yesterday (a small group of friends are going to sing in Sacrament meeting soon) and my voice was not happy about it. I can barely talk now. A couple people called on the phone today and I'm sure they were looking to end the conversation as quickly as possible. Nolan has been so sweet to his brother this week (mostly). Ez was trying to tug his shirt off and Nolan helped him to get it off and then proceeded to gently tickle Ezra's tummy and back. Ez just kept chuckling with delight. Then today, Nolan went in the bathroom, found my hair pick, and started gently doing Ezra's hair. Ez cuddled up and got a look of contentment on his face and Nolan said, "I'm taking care of Ezra. It will make him feel better since he's sick." Luckily my camera was within arms reach. I'm trying hard to rest my voice, so we've been doing lots of hand signals and pointing. Nolan does a great job understanding me. When they do things that annoy me, I just let it slide. Surprisingly, we're having a great day. Nolan is obeying me better than ever! Perhaps I've lost my voice to teach me a lesson: life would be easier for me if I yelled talked less and let the little things go. Like does it really matter if we watch 4 movies in a row? Or if they eat handfuls of jelly beans one after the other? How about locking themselves in Nolan's room and giggling mischieviously? I see no problem with any of that! You've heard of kids setting up an ice cream or lemonade stand, of course. Well, the other day I came out of my room after getting ready and came upon this. Nolan said excitedly, "Mom, I made a water stand for you!" Thanks, buddy. Well, if you're trying to get a hold of me in the next few days, email is best! You don't want to hear this scary voice.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Preschool Lapbooks

I've been busy making file folder games and some lapbooks for the boys to work on. It turned into a big project because I wanted them all laminated. Lots of printing, cutting, and more cutting. But they weren't expensive, even after 10 feet of lamination at my local copy store! I was really hoping to find some strong glue, but nothing was working. I tried hot glue and liquid fusion. I opted for staples. Sturdy, even though they're not pretty. Here are the two more elaborate lapbooks I made, one "fireman" and one "astronaut."

I did two more traditional file folder games, too.

And lastly, I found some activities in the Friend magazine that looked fun.

They work great with dry-erase markers and some sticky-back velcro. Nolan is really enjoying them and even Ezra loves doodling with the markers. We have since learned that it's not a good idea to do these on the couch (it washed out, thank goodness).

If anyone would like to make these for their little squirts, just go here or here. I didn't do much research so there are probably other fabulous free folder games out there.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Going Crazy Fast

These boys are giving me grief. Nolan's whole personality is changing and it's been a real struggle to become reacquainted with my own little boy. He no longer wants to go to preschool, he's not as outgoing, he is worried about making mistakes and sometimes doesn't want to try new things, gets anxious without mom or dad nearby, and he seems to be needing more attention and love than ever before. We are even having potty training challenges (I thought I would be over this hurdle by now), especially at night. I wish I knew exactly how to help him through this new 4 yr. old stage in his life. We were able to attend the temple last night and it was wonderful to feel some inspiration and extra love for my sweet boy. I know that Heavenly Father is aware of our challenges and won't leave us to guess at how to be good parents.

Ezra is also very needy. He follows me like a puppy. Speaking of puppies, he was naked for about 2 minutes before I could get him into the tub, and he found a corner to pee in. Nolan had to tell me and the look on Ezra's face was hilarious. He pointed to his puddle and it was obvious he knew it was wrong. Just like a puppy. He also begs for treats all day at the pantry door. I'll just finish getting him something and then he's asking for another snack. Luckily my boys love fruit!

So we've been needing something to stir up our long days. What could be better than a sandbox?! Oh boy, were they excited! They play great in it together and it gives me some time to take a breather, even if it's just to fold laundry. It's always nice to let my mind rest from the constant noise of toddlers. I've only noted two downsides, so far: Ezra begs to be in the box all day, and it's still too chilly to count on playing outside just whenever they want. And second, my house just got grainy. Sand is basically clean, but it's just something else to sweep and vacuum. Still, it's worth the happiness and much better than playing in our hard, rocky dirt!

Recently the Young Women in my ward were given prayer rocks. I had a few at my house and Nolan fell in love. So we just had to make our own. He's quite pleased with his little friend that sits by his bed and reminds him to pray.
Yesterday I attended a Vision Forum with my sister where we could learn more about her eye condition, advancements in treating it, and coping with blindness. Wow, my sister is a strong, upbeat woman. We also enjoyed a fabulous lunch and trip to Costco without out kiddos. When I got home, Grandma K was here to visit. Justin was learning to be an electrician in the basement. Kathi came down so that we could go out and do a temple session (in exchange for a little help with her taxes). It was really a good day and a much-needed break. Usually the boys stress out a little when we leave, but not with her. She's way too much fun! My most sincere thanks go out to her. Grandma K helps us stay on the safe side of crazy (but it's a fine line for me).

Sunday, March 13, 2011

My Mom's hutch

I love looking at the projects over at All Things Thrifty, so when my mom was doing some redecorating I practically begged her to redo her desk/hutch like a project I had seen there. It turned out so fabulous. Way to go, Mom! I am so excited for my basement to be done so that I can start in decorating and maybe learn how to glaze furniture, too.

We have Daddy back!

So it finally feels like Spring is officially around the corner. I just noticed that our little tulips are beginning to poke out of the dirt. I can't wait to send the kids in the backyard to play more often.
The great news this week is that Justin finished his online Stanford class. It was a tough one because it involved a lot of writing, which he just doesn't enjoy. There were many nights that he needed to stay at work to do homework so that he could study in peace. We don't have a separate room that's quiet and the kids don't understand why Dad can't just play when he gets home. Justin has been busy with a project at work, too, and has been working longer into the night. One night I heard him sneaking into bed at 5:30 a.m., but he was typically gone from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. I won't pretend that I was always supportive. I tend to whine and complain when I'm dealing with the kids on my own from morning until bedtime. They really wear me down. I'm sure he'll still have some late nights, but he thinks the worst is over for a while. This was the first weekend in a long while that Daddy has been home to play. It's been so great! I've enjoyed have an adult to converse with.
He's such a hard worker, that when he told me he got a raise and promotion, we knew we needed to celebrate. What a treat it was to get a babysitter! My Dad happened to be in town working on the basement and he graciously took us out for a wonderful dinner at P.F. Chang. We're so thankful that Justin has a great job that he enjoys. Here's to you, honey! I hope you get a chance to relax a little before we have to start working on the yard.
This past week I ordered my first Bountiful Basket. We received lots of yummy stuff, but my favorite was the tiny tender asparagus, green beans, a pineapple, cantaloupe, strawberries, and blackberries. It's so fun to have delicious produce that I wouldn't normally buy (and it's yummier than store produce, anyway). The only trouble is that I also bought a box of grapefruit, apples, and oranges being sold door-to-door. We've got lots of fresh food to eat!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Birthday Boy!

It seems like we've been celebrating Nolan's birthday ever since Disneyland, but today he is officially 4 years old. It's a pretty normal day around here, except that he took treats to preschool and got a present from Miss Anna-Marie. Oh, and he did get to choose oatmeal for breakfast (I actually let him choose every morning but made a big deal of it today) and a cheese tortilla for lunch.

We celebrated his birthday last Saturday with Grandma K, her boyfriend Jon (our first time meeting him), and Daren's family. He received a Leapster, a DoodlePro, Lincoln Logs, SuperSipperz, and some summer clothes. He also got a Lego set but it was one he already had, so he enjoyed going to exchange them and chose the game KerPlunk. It's pretty fun even for Ezra, when he's not trying to eat the marbles. Nolan said all the appropriate things while opening presents: "Oh, thank you!" and "Cute!" and "I love it!" Except the next day he opened a present that I'd forgotten: it was the Little Rascals movie. He said, "I just don't want to watch this movie. You can take it back to the store." Okay, he's not perfect.
The boys have been loving the new presents. The connecting straws are quite entertaining. I'm sure Nolan wishes that Ezra would love the Lincoln Logs a little less (he's like the tornado that comes through to destroy his creations).

Most importantly, I thought I'd record some of Nolan's personality, even though I know I could never do him justice.
- loves drawing pictures (even draws himself anatomically correct)
- gets treats for Ezra so that he can have some ("Mom, I shared a treat with Ezra. I'll have some, too.")
- more timid and cautious lately
- always wants to read his picture Book of Mormon and cuddle before bed (not really cuddle, he just wants us to lay in bed by him)
- interested in geography (he wants to drive to Canada and South America for a trip: right, like Disneyland wasn't far enough!)
- bites his fingernails and toenails (I know, right?)
- strokes Ezra and says, "Oh, he's so sweet" whenever Ez is sleeping or sick
- loves chicken nuggets
- does an African Gumboots dance that Justin used to do on the folk dance team
- enjoys baking with me (I've tried to get him out of the kitchen but it doesn't work)
- loves playing with his cousins, Ryan and Kendyll
- told me he doesn't want to be 4... he just wants to stay little
- has an amazing memory
- very polite, always saying "No thanks"
- loves fruit
- learns quickly
Happy birthday to the man in my life! I say that because my little world revolves around him, but I'm sure glad he's in it. We love you, Nolan!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Yesterday Nolan came to me and said, "Look Mom! I made Ezra a superhero!" They were both so pleased with their application of Mom's makeup.