Sunday, March 20, 2011

Going Crazy Fast

These boys are giving me grief. Nolan's whole personality is changing and it's been a real struggle to become reacquainted with my own little boy. He no longer wants to go to preschool, he's not as outgoing, he is worried about making mistakes and sometimes doesn't want to try new things, gets anxious without mom or dad nearby, and he seems to be needing more attention and love than ever before. We are even having potty training challenges (I thought I would be over this hurdle by now), especially at night. I wish I knew exactly how to help him through this new 4 yr. old stage in his life. We were able to attend the temple last night and it was wonderful to feel some inspiration and extra love for my sweet boy. I know that Heavenly Father is aware of our challenges and won't leave us to guess at how to be good parents.

Ezra is also very needy. He follows me like a puppy. Speaking of puppies, he was naked for about 2 minutes before I could get him into the tub, and he found a corner to pee in. Nolan had to tell me and the look on Ezra's face was hilarious. He pointed to his puddle and it was obvious he knew it was wrong. Just like a puppy. He also begs for treats all day at the pantry door. I'll just finish getting him something and then he's asking for another snack. Luckily my boys love fruit!

So we've been needing something to stir up our long days. What could be better than a sandbox?! Oh boy, were they excited! They play great in it together and it gives me some time to take a breather, even if it's just to fold laundry. It's always nice to let my mind rest from the constant noise of toddlers. I've only noted two downsides, so far: Ezra begs to be in the box all day, and it's still too chilly to count on playing outside just whenever they want. And second, my house just got grainy. Sand is basically clean, but it's just something else to sweep and vacuum. Still, it's worth the happiness and much better than playing in our hard, rocky dirt!

Recently the Young Women in my ward were given prayer rocks. I had a few at my house and Nolan fell in love. So we just had to make our own. He's quite pleased with his little friend that sits by his bed and reminds him to pray.
Yesterday I attended a Vision Forum with my sister where we could learn more about her eye condition, advancements in treating it, and coping with blindness. Wow, my sister is a strong, upbeat woman. We also enjoyed a fabulous lunch and trip to Costco without out kiddos. When I got home, Grandma K was here to visit. Justin was learning to be an electrician in the basement. Kathi came down so that we could go out and do a temple session (in exchange for a little help with her taxes). It was really a good day and a much-needed break. Usually the boys stress out a little when we leave, but not with her. She's way too much fun! My most sincere thanks go out to her. Grandma K helps us stay on the safe side of crazy (but it's a fine line for me).


The Morreys said...

That sandbox looks like lot of fun!

Hang in there. I wish I had some advice for you. Maybe Nolan had a bad experience at preschool or a bad dream or something? I'm sure he'll come out of it. You are a great mom!

Laura said...

Oh Kenzee, I hear you. Just when you think your child is one way, they switch to something else, just to keep you guessing. You are right though, Heavenly Father won't leave you alone to figure this parenting thing out. You will get there.
And what fun, a sandbox!

Steve and Kirsten said...

What Nolan is going through I've seen in both my girls (Sienna and Alyssa). It's hard to figure out those little ones. Once we think we know what we are doing they go and change on us.
The sandbox looks like a lot of fun!

Samantha said...

I'm glad you got a break and a chance to go to the temple. I hope spring comes soon before we all go crazy!

Julie and Mitch Cox said...

You are an awesome mother, you'll figure it out. I think that is great you went to the temple, I can't think of a better way to recieve revelation. I got to go to the temple last month and it was a much needed break for me. I didn't realize how much I needed it till I was there. It reminded me of how important my boys are to me as well as my role as their mother.

Brianne said...

These dang kids keep us on our toes, don't they? I know you will figure out what to do for Nolan to help him through this phase.

Love the sandbox! I have been hesitant to ever have sand because I don't think I could handle a grainy house...but maybe it would be worth it. Oh, and love the prayer rock...Carter would probably love do make one of those.

Thanks again for your input today and for just hanging out and visiting. You're such a great friend!

Aceneth Warner said...

firs, I have to say, I love your keep it real! how many of us feel like we are just going crazy with our kids some times? ALL OF US.
Second, I remember those crazy days, when you feel you are at the end and you have tried everything and nothing seems to work. All you want is the best for your kids and for them to be happy. Is hard being a mom, in fact, sometimes I feel like there are more of the crazy times than the good happy times. But the good sure seems to erase the crazy fast and for a long time too. Good! All in all, I think the world of you and look at you as one of the best moms out there.

Lacey said...

It's a good thing he's cute? Right? Hang in there....and we'd always love having him over here for you to get a break!
Thanks again for going with me to the was great going with you! And fun too!
Love ya!

amber and john said...

I'm so sorry, Kenz. As you already know, I can totally relate with Nolan's stage. Jaxon seems to be doing much better with preschool lately, so hopefully that gives you some hope that Nolan should do better soon. It really must be a phase that kids go through around this age, since I've talked with so many moms that have gone through similar situations with their kids. It does make it extra tough though, when you are so used to a normally confident, outgoing, brave child!

Sounds like a great day with Lacey, as well as at the temple with Justin. I'm glad you were able to get away and have a break. Please call me anytime, even if you just need to vent to a mom who understands! :)

Mrs. Lay said...

Oh, kids. I always have to remind myself that everything with them is a phase. Some longer or less pleasant than others, but when considered in the grand scheme of things, relatively short and manageable.

Lawrence Family said...

You are such a good mom Kenz!!! It's so hard raising kids and believe me it doesn't get easier when they are teenagers...sorry to tell ya that. Hopefully this little phase he is going through will be a quick one.
Hey...a sandbox is a great idea..I bet they love it!!!