Ezra has learned a new expression. Oh, if looks could kill... I just can't help but laugh whenever he does it, so now we've reinforced that it's a good thing for him to do. We say, "make your silly face" and he does it on demand. He is really starting to show us more and more personality. He does have a temper and goes on little angry tyrades, but mostly he's a happy little soul.
Nolan had his 4 yr. check-up because we received news that there is some new vaccine that he needed. It turns out we were able to do his Kindergarten shots at the same time. No more shots until junior high! He was pretty brave but it was still sad. He is in the 45th percentile for height and the 10th percentile for weight. But there was a funny moment when the doctor was going through some milestones and asked Nolan to draw a person. Nolan took the pen and drew a square with another rounded line on top. I said, "Nolan, draw him a person. Draw Nolan's body." He looked confused and said, "But I drew the handle!" It turns out he had drawn a purse! I explained to the doctor that Nolan does, in fact, know how to draw a person and actually draws himself and Daddy anatomically correct.
We've had crazy weather lately. A whole week of snow storms were followed by a warm, sunny day that was perfect for pulling weeds. Nolan was excited to use his umbrella that he painted at school, and Ez was trying to get as wet as possible. Grandma K came for a visit and brought a fun snow toy. Why is it that Grandma K always has the best toys?
Justin captured a cute moment last Sunday. He turned on Music and the Spoken Word and Nolan pulled the chair up close to watch. Both boys got their cuddlies and sat next to each other to enjoy the music.
Some of Ezra's favorite things in life are putting baskets/empty trash cans on his head and wandering around the house. He also loves bathroom fixtures. He loves crawling into the sink and sitting for a while, or sitting in the potty (whether full of water or the dry one that's isn't yet installed in our basement). Well, last week our toilet seat got a crack in it (I'm blaming Justin!) so we let Ezra have the cracked seat. We cleaned it good and then let him enjoy it. And there's that new face again!
That face made me smile. What cute boys. When I was Nolan yesterday I thought he looked really tall to me and so much like his daddy. They are growing up so fast!
I wish we would have gotten the offer to do the Kindergarten shot too to get it over with. Oh well.
LOL!!! That's all I can say about his fascination with toilets!! I just don't get it!! But it's seriously funny!
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