Yesterday we had quite the scare with Ezra. Justin and the boys were outside planting bushes and I was cooking dinner. I heard Ez start crying. I went outside and found him underneath the stairs with his head stuck in this large pipe.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
911 for Ezra
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Preschool Grad

Saturday, May 28, 2011
Praise to the Man
For the past year or so, Nolan's favorite song has been "Praise to the Man." He was so pleased when our Primary began practicing it for the sacrament meeting presentation. Here is Nolan's rendition, including a somewhat inappropriate "dance break" in the middle.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
School Boy
First of all, I got the results back from my second biopsy. It was the exact same information (dermatofibroma, a scarring-type lesion that may have resulted from a bug bite). I'm more than a little annoyed that we had to pay for the whole thing twice, but I guess I need to focus on the fact that it's nothing serious. As the remaining part of my fingernail grows, I will eventually have no nail left (probably in the next three months). At that point it will be a long wait to see if any new nail will begin to grow.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
We love Park City
Ski Day
More Pinky Problems
While in St. George, my dermatologist called to say that they don't think the biopsy results on my pinky were correct. That post bug-bite type tissue typically only occurs on arms and legs, and not under fingernails so they told me to see the other doctor at their practice for a second opinion and possibly another biopsy.
Well, I just had that appointment three days ago and sure enough, I did the entire biopsy experience all over again. It was so depressing because the last stitch had only come out 5 days before. But it was a good thing I was going in because it was looking swollen and appeared to be growing faster. I would have needed to be seen anyway.
This time around wasn't quite as traumatic, thank goodness. Instead of stitches they did cautery, which was uncomfortable during the procedure but seems to make for faster healing and less pain. I was also better prepared with some stronger meds for the 8 hours afterward. I will spare you the pictures this time around. And Justin was there for support and to drive me home. Justin says it doesn't look as bad as last time, but I think it's all pretty gnarly. In my book, a black crater is certainly not attractive. I made sure that Justin was home when I changed the bandages for the first time. It was a good thing, too, because I blacked out and nearly fainted. Once I get past the first sighting I do okay with the gore. Weird how that works.
So now we're playing the waiting game to find out what this is once and for all!
Easter Report
I meant to post this two weeks ago and just never got around to it. After being in St. George I spent the week cleaning and doing loads of laundry. Then we packed up again and left for Park City (more on that later) so the blog journal got put on the backburner. Here's the quick report of our Easter festivities.