Sunday, May 29, 2011

Preschool Grad

Nolan is now a preschool graduate! His first year, at least. We had such a fun night celebrating our smart little guy. Ms. Anna-Marie has been a great teacher and put on a wonderful program. Nolan went through a rough few weeks where he didn't want to go, but in the end he was loving school, his friends, and teacher. His special friend, Sophia, was his teacher's little girl. Those two seemed to have a special bond all year long.

Just before the program started, Ezra decided he wanted to graduate, too.

Nolan helped write his part and even did a great job memorizing it in only two days. We couldn't be more proud! Here's a video of the highlights so that faraway grandparents can have a peek.


hummingbird said...

Cutest school boy ever! and sooo smart. I have amazing grandkids!!

Lawrence Family said...

Love that cute little school boy!!!! Seems like Bryson was just that age...I have a video of him doing those same kind of songs. Watch out...he will be 18 before you know it!!!