Thursday, July 21, 2011

Dance Party

There was a full house of kids over to play one day last week. Thank goodness for "Just Dance" on the Wii. Ryan and Kendyll had a good time playing with our neighbors, Nicole and Katelyn. It's just too bad they had a certain two boys following them around all afternoon!
There's been a lot of painting going on lately. I only have the closet doors left, thank goodness. I was skeptical at first, but Nolan really does speed up the process. He earns beans if he does his best painting.

And I've never seen a kid love reading more than Ezra. He's either begging for a treat, or begging to read. It's as important as sugar to him. Going to bed used to be a quicker process, but now the boys insist on reading LOTS of books! That night we were reading our favorites, books about our Grandma and Grandpa Moulton.

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