Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Off he goes

It's time for another year of preschool! Nolan had been saying things like, "I just don't like my new teacher," and "I don't like my preschool class." I knew he was just being silly, trying to get a rise out of me. But in the back of my mind I was wondering if the first day would go smoothly. Luckily, it did! He was happy to find his seat and start socializing with his friends. He came up with this little pose when I took his picture before we left the house. Then, at school, he did the similar hand sign again. He didn't want to get too close to his new teacher, Marissa, but I think he'll really love her after a week or two. She's going to be great!

Last night, Justin started off Nolan's school year with a father's blessing. Afterward, we started to leave the room but then Ezra started yelling, "Mama! Bless me!" We came back and Ez was sitting in the chair with his arms folded, ready for his turn. Justin obliged, but halfway through Ezra kept moving his head around and saying, "Ow, Daddy!" Yeah, it was real painful! What a nut.

This morning, I let Nolan have some juice (which we rarely have) with his breakfast. Unfortunately, I forgot to have his use the bathroom right before school. I remembered when I got home. I was counting on getting a phone call saying there had been an accident, but thankfully he managed to stay dry... juice and all! When I picked him up he said, "Mom, every game we play at that preschool is so funny!" He didn't say much else, but it seems like it was a good experience.


Sterling and Michelle said...

So cute.

Brianne said...

I can't help but laugh and Nolan's little finger pose! That kid cracks me up. Love him! Carter is so excited to have him in his preschool class. I am glad you had a great first day, despite his comments.

And thanks for hanging out with us at the Gateway. We had a great time. We love hanging out with the Petersen's.

Lawrence Family said...

Oh wow...I'm so glad that I checked your blog today...It just made my day. I guess I haven't looked at it in a long time for some reason. I love all the pictures of the kids...I especially love the funny little pose that Nolan did before going to preschool. That kid cracks me up!!!! Can't wait to see the basement when it's all finished. You guys and dad have certainly all worked very hard on it!!! It will be so nice...hey we would love to come stay in your guest room sometime..haha!

john and amber said...

So cute! Love Nolan's pose, that is hilarious! Yea for preschool!

We just went to the 'space museum' last week. That is a fun place. I love your pictures from This is the Place- how funny about that goat!!