Monday, August 22, 2011

So sleepy

Nolan is my deep sleeper. He can't help but take a nap in the late afternoon nearly every day. Here's where I found him after an episode of Phineas and Ferb had ended (he watched on the computer through Netflix). This kid can sleep anywhere!

And this has nothing to do with it, but check out the awesome artichokes in our garden. They are so delicious!


Unknown said...

Those artichokes look so yummy! Way to go Kenz! You found your green thumb haha. Wish I could find mine :)

Brianne said...

Way to go...those artichokes look great! My garden is having issues this year. :( Okay, so maybe is the gardener.

I'm surprised Nolan still takes little naps...Carter won't close his eyes for nothin'. Lucky you! What a sweet little guy all cuddled up there asleep.

Your basement is looking awesome. Can't wait to come check it out.

amber and john said...

So sweet. Those artichokes look delicious! Way to go!

Love all your park city pics- so fun! That is so exciting about your basement. Can't wait to see it when it's finished!

I bought that Jump Around Utah groupon too, but we haven't used it yet. We should take our boys together once it starts getting colder!

Steve and Kirsten said...

How funny about Nolan...I wish I could do that.

Your garden looks artichokes, but I have no idea how to cook them : ).

Julie and Mitch Cox said...

That is so great Nolan still naps. He looks so sweet sleeping in the chair with his blanket and stuffed animal. That is a picture you will always cherish.

Lacey said...

Nolan sleeping in that chair reminds me of his mama!! I remember many times looking at you sleeping and wondering how in the world you could sleep in such a position!! Ha!!