Wednesday, December 7, 2011


I occasionally mention things that Nolan says so I thought I'd share some of the phrases that Ezra has been saying lately.

Whenever I ask him to do something ("Finish your dinner" or "Time for a tubby!", etc.) he'll get his typical scowl on his face and say, "I just don't wanna talt about it, Mom." He can't say his "k" sounds yet.

When we knock on someone's door, he'll yell "Trust me!" until they open up.

I was sitting on the couch last night and he walked up to me and said, "I'm just packin' up. Just packin' up some stuff." Not to be rude, but sometimes I wish it was Ezra that went for short business trips instead of his Daddy.

Lately he's been scared of the dark. I hope it's a short phase. If I turn the light off he runs out and says, "Those monsters will get me!" Ezra still wakes up in the night when he sleeps in his room, but if I put him in the queen bed downstairs with Nolan he sleeps all night. Maybe he's scared and just needs a buddy to sleep with. I know how he feels.

I was reading a conference talk by Quentil L. Cook and Ez said, "There's Bro. Ramsey!" That's our neighbor who Ezra just adores.

And one little quote from Nolan: Today I made all of our neighborhood Christmas treats and then we drove around to everyones' houses. I was a bit exhausted. I started to sit down to watch a show (which I changed my mind and decided to blog instead) and Nolan said, "I think we better call a bunch of people and tell them to come for a party."
I said, "Why would we have a party today?"
He said, "Just 'cause I think you're pretty bored." I love how a mom can sit down for not even 10 seconds and someone mistakes her for being bored! Ha!


Laura said...

LOVE it! What funny boys you have. By the way, those treats you made were delicious! I think I need the recipes because ours were gone in less than two seconds. When Nolan stopped by, I reminded him to be careful not to slip on our icy stairs, and he was like, "I know." Ha! Maybe you reminded him of the same thing on his way up?!

The Morreys said...

Thanks for the treats! They were great! Your boys are so darling!

john and amber said...

They are so cute! "Trust me!" I love it. I love Ez's little voice. And that is hilarious that Nolan thought you needed a party because you were 'bored.' :)

What fun Thanksgiving photos! I'm so glad you had a nice relaxing holiday.

Lawrence Family said...

Haha....I love those two little boys. Can't wait for Christmas at the will be here before we know it.