Thursday, February 16, 2012

Knock and Run

I always thought Valentine's Day was so much fun because my mom would run me over to my friends' house, I'd sneak up and leave a valentine treat on the doorstep, then knock and run! My mom would park a few houses away and turn off the headlights. After hiding for a couple of minutes I'd make my way back to the car and start again at another house. So naturally I was excited to start this little tradition with my boys.
We took a few valentines to some friends that aren't in Nolan's preschool class (they got a treat at the school party) and to his cousins that live nearby. Well, at my sister's house she mentioned that the girls weren't taking valentines to their friends' house. They mentioned that none of their friends ever knock and run either. So I got thinking that maybe this tradition is out of style or people don't do it around here. I asked Justin and he said, "Well, it sounds fun but I've never heard of doing that before." What?! I asked him, "Well, what was the fun of Valentine's Day, then?" He said that he only ever gave valentines during school exchanges. So, am I crazy? Did you ever knock and run? I just don't know if I can give it up... it's too fun!


Lacey said...

I'm starting to think that it was a St. George thing...Rob did do it too! I don't know. It is sad to see it end though. It was kind of silly now that I think about it because didn't we put our names on the valentines left at the door? So they totally knew who they were from! Haha!

Janae and Zach said...

I loved doing this when i was little too! Makes me sad that its not happening anymore... I say you should still do it with your kids! :)

Steve and Kirsten said...

I did this occasionally, but usually we would just give our valentines...not as fun as the knock and run...maybe we should try that next year : ).

Michelle@ Learning to Be a Mom said...

I loved leaving Valentine's for friends and doing the knock and run. I hope the tradition isn't dead.

Mrs. Lay said...

I've never heard of this but it sounds fun :)

amber and john said...

Oh my goodness! There must be something up with John's lap top, because I've posted a few comments on some of your latest posts, and none of them are there! Did any of them come to you? Hopefully this one works, since I'm on our regular computer.

Anyways, Happy belated Anniversary to you guys! I love that wedding pic, you guys are so cute! I loved your cookie monster post about Ez. The Fire Museum was so fun, and your boys are so cute with their Be Mine valentine.

I love the knock and run idea. As you know, my boys and I started that tradition for us last year (although I guess Jaxon just knocks and gives...we don't run). ;) But, I think it's a great way to spend V-day!

I think it's always good to teach my boys about giving to others rather than just thinking about the gifts they'll receive, on holidays especially. So, keep it up! I think the knock and run is a great tradition! Who cares if nobody else does it! Be the leader of the pack! :)

Monica said...

Dang - I'm feeling like I missed out on something really fun. Nope - we didn't do that in Arizona. Love the idea though. It would sure be a fun thing to start in our community.

Lawrence Family said...

We totally did that when we were younger didn't we? Kids don't really do that around here either. Ethan did get a cookie on Valentines from a knock and run. He was so excited!