Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A Bad Mix

Last Sunday I was asked to substitute in Primary for our singing time leader. I have never done singing time and was feeling pretty nervous. I was afraid that I would time the activities wrong and have lots of time left at the end, or I worried that the kids would just be so chatty that I couldn't get their attention. Well, it turned out that it was a lot of fun. We did a little egg hunt and each egg had a song with it. The kids were really well behaved and surprisingly, things went smoothly. I was feeling pretty good about myself when it was all over. Justin came in to watch for some of the time (he was just too interested) and afterward he said, "You didn't really act like you were nervous at all. It went great." I said, "Yeah, I really wasn't all that nervous after all. It was fun!" Then he said, "But I could tell that you really were nervous deep down because of the giant pit stains under your arms!" AAAHHHH! I looked down and to my horror saw that my light blue shirt had turned dark. Well, I was humbled. I'm not that great after all if I can't pull off singing time without giant pit stains! Pit stains and song leaders don't mix.


terrah said...

Being a Primary chorister is a workout! Those weren't nervous marks, just signs you were working hard! I personally think it's one of the hardest callings in the church. To have to teach, entertain, and keep reverent large groups of children in two different age ranges for 20 minutes each, every single Sunday, with a huge performance at the end of the year showing you how well you did. Wow. I know I'm going to have that someday... I'm hoping it might be later than sooner. Now you've got some practice!

amber and john said...

Kenz- you did an absolutely amazing job!!! Don't worry about your pit stains...remember, I didn't even notice them and I was watching you the entire time. I think Justin was just checking out his hot wife too much, so he noticed every detail. ;) THANK YOU so much for helping us out! You were so much fun!!

Monica said...

You're too funny! I think that would make anyone sweat the first couple times doing it. I remember how exhausted I was after teaching sunbeams - and you had a huge room full of kids that you were trying to keep attentive. Next time will be nothing, lol.

Mrs. Lay said...

That is awesome. Lol.

Brianne said...

Ha Ha! Thanks for the good laugh Kenz. I've been meaning to ask you all week how it went. Plus I really was going to come in and observe :) but I totally forgot. I was really bummed when I realized that. I'm sure you did awesome, and if it makes you feel any better, I had wet armpits EVERY WEEK without fail. It is seriously a work out!! I'm glad you had fun.

Lawrence Family said...

Hahaha are too funny!! I bet you did an awesome job...pit stains and all!!!