Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Latin Moves

We watched Puss in Boots for the first time last week. Actually, the kids had seen it once with their cousins. We all liked the show but the best part for Justin and me was watching Nolan dance to the song on the credits. It's called The Puss Suite. He mentions that he did this dance at his Aunt Lacey's house but we were quite surprised when he busted out these moves. He was really feeling the music!


Anonymous said...

whoa. I'm speechless. That was awesome!!! Nolan definitely got his parents' dance genes. Can we say So You Think You Can Dance in 13 years? I think so. That SO made my day. :) Cause he's MY nephew. So proud!

Lacey said...

Okay! You've got a BYU folk dancer on your hands....just like his mommy and daddy! Haha!! I am super impressed that you could video and watch that without laughing! So funny but seriously some good dancing. Somehow I missed watching those dance moves at my house. Bummer!

Elise DeMille said...

Oh my goodness Kenzee that was the cutest thing I've ever seen! I love the serious look on his face! Classic! Thanks for sharing! Miss seeing you!

The Morreys said...

He's got talent! The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, for sure.

Brianne said...

That is hillarious!! Are you sure he's not already taking dance lessons somewhere? He has definitely got some skills just like his parents. So fun that you captured that on video.

Erin Jepsen said...

LOVE IT. The kids and I watched it a couple times.

amber and john said...

Love this! He really does have some smooth latin moves! It must be in the genes!! Makes me want to see Puss n Boots. ;)

Lawrence Family said...

Unbelievable dance moves...I'm not kidding...that kid can totally dance!!!! He is definitely going to be a Latin Ballroom dancer...haha!

My Name is JACY said...

Oh my gosh! I LOVED THIS! SOOOOOO CUTE! What a little pro! :)