Friday, May 25, 2012


Nolan graduated from preschool this week. He did a great job singing the songs and saying his part: "We saw five alligators, but they weren't green. They were the brightest PINK we've ever seen!" I think Miss Marissa must have known that his favorite color is pink. Ezra really wanted to stay up on stage with Nolan and was so frustrated when Dad kept plucking him off. Finally at the end, we allowed Ez to stand by Nolan as he received his certificate and award. Nolan was given the "Big Thinker Award." She told about how she'd asked what he wants to be when he grows up and he said he wanted to build a big store. She said, "Oh, like an architect?" And Nolan had said, "Yeah, but my store will be huge and have a train running through it and you stop at different places to get what you need." Justin and I both like the idea. I love shopping and Dad loves riding trains! Sounds like a good combination.
We're proud of you, Nolan. I still can't believe you're done with preschool!

And my nephew, Bryson, graduated from high school that same night. Way to go, Bryson! He's so handsome. Here's the little gift I made for him. I'm posting pictures to help me remember for future graduates that come along.

Outside during May

The weather has been gorgeous so we've enjoyed lots of time outside this month. We've got our garden in and finally filled in the remaining portion of unfinished yard with bark. For Mother's Day, Justin built me this awesome trellis for the tomatoes, melons, and cucumbers to grow on. I'm doing square foot gardening and the author recommends this. Hope it works for me. Nolan even helped out with the load of bark so we couldn't resist this pair of work gloves that fit him so well. Like a glove!
  Occasionally the boys stop bugging each other and actually play nicely. Nolan was good to give Ez a ride. I always breathe a sigh of relief when they are smiling together, rather than arguing or whining about something the other one is doing/not doing. It's a blessing and a curse to have them two years apart. Great friends but they really annoy each other, too. But here's another happy moment: making brownies and licking the bowl clean.
The boys were pretty enthralled with the process of tuning the piano. What a sight for them to see how it works inside! They begged the piano tuner to leave it open when she was done! The piano was severely out of tune but there was one note in particular that buzzed. She found a long strip of paper under the key. We're pretty sure it was Ez who put it there. 
  We also had a water party at a friends' house recently. It was fun to see all these kids having such a great time. It was so hot (around 90 degrees!) that I was longing to get wet, too. I guess I should have! 

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day Card

Today the boys gave me a sweet Mother's Day card that I want to remember. Justin wrote it out for them, but he transcribed exactly what they said. Here is Ezra's note:
Dear Mommy, I just like to watch a movie. Where is my Mommy? I just love her so much because I just don't know. She is the best Mommy in the whole world. -Ezra
Very poetic and open-ended. I like that. Here is Nolan's note:
Dear Mom, I love you and Dad loves you too. It is going to be very nice on Mother's Day. You're lucky because today is the day that's Mother's Day! You be happy on Mother's Day. (A little bossy, maybe.) I like to play games with you. I just like you. You are pretty. You love us and we love you. The end. -Nolan
I think Nolan is more excited about Mother's Day than I am.
Justin also wrote me a nice note, but I won't go into that. It was mooshy and lovey, you get the idea. The boys bought me a bag of dark chocolate (that's really all I need to be happy) and yesterday Justin built me a awesome garden support for growing tomatoes and other vine plants. We've been really busy in the yard and garden this weekend so it's nice to relax today. I think I'll ask hubby to make dinner tonight. But if he cooks then I'll have to keep the boys happy and out of the kitchen. Not sure which is the better deal? But I know I'm so thankful to be a mom and have Nolan and Ezra in my life!

I hope all of our mothers and grandmothers out there are having a nice day. Love to all of you!