Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day Card

Today the boys gave me a sweet Mother's Day card that I want to remember. Justin wrote it out for them, but he transcribed exactly what they said. Here is Ezra's note:
Dear Mommy, I just like to watch a movie. Where is my Mommy? I just love her so much because I just don't know. She is the best Mommy in the whole world. -Ezra
Very poetic and open-ended. I like that. Here is Nolan's note:
Dear Mom, I love you and Dad loves you too. It is going to be very nice on Mother's Day. You're lucky because today is the day that's Mother's Day! You be happy on Mother's Day. (A little bossy, maybe.) I like to play games with you. I just like you. You are pretty. You love us and we love you. The end. -Nolan
I think Nolan is more excited about Mother's Day than I am.
Justin also wrote me a nice note, but I won't go into that. It was mooshy and lovey, you get the idea. The boys bought me a bag of dark chocolate (that's really all I need to be happy) and yesterday Justin built me a awesome garden support for growing tomatoes and other vine plants. We've been really busy in the yard and garden this weekend so it's nice to relax today. I think I'll ask hubby to make dinner tonight. But if he cooks then I'll have to keep the boys happy and out of the kitchen. Not sure which is the better deal? But I know I'm so thankful to be a mom and have Nolan and Ezra in my life!

I hope all of our mothers and grandmothers out there are having a nice day. Love to all of you!


Lacey said...

Awww...these pics made me really baby hungry for you! HEHE!! So will you have another one already?!! :)
I absolutely LOVE those boys! And you are a beautiful and wonderful mother to those cute little boys! Happy Mothers Day! Love yoU!

Lawrence Family said...

Oh what sweet little boys you have!!! I love love love those pictures of when they were babies!!! I'm with Lace...I think it is time for another baby in the family!!! Miss you guys!

Holly said...

Too Cute!!!

Brianne said...

How sweet! Glad you had a good mother's day. You do have cute babies, so I agree with Lacey....go ahead and have another one so I can hold them!! :)

Sterling and Michelle said...

Those are the most adorable Mother's Day cards ever. So cute. And well done to your husband for the great idea.