Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Memorial Weekend

 I'm behind on blogging... as usual. But we had a fun Memorial weekend so I don't want to forget it. We went to our first air show at Hill Air Force Base. We knew it might rain but we thought we'd try our luck and see what we could get in before the storm. The boys' favorite was the army Jeep and a plant that can be a helicopter, too. And it was pretty cool walking right into the belly of those big cargo planes. The air show part was just okay. The most exciting part we saw was when a jet car raced an airplane. They saved the Thunderbirds for the afternoon and unfortunately we got there when it started at 10:30 a.m. and didn't plan to stay long enough. But it turns out that a fierce storm and cold front came through so we had to leave after about two hours. All the people began running for their cars in the freezing rain. Soon we realized that we were lost and didn't know which direction to go for our parking lot. The kids started to cry because they were soaking wet and cold. Luckily we recognized the correct lot and didn't have to search too long. It was so nice to get to the warm van and change into dry clothes. Then the fun really started: we had to find our way out of the base. There must have been thousands of cars trying to get out of one exit. We were in parking lots and stop 'n go traffic for over an hour before we were out! But we were warm so we didn't care too much. 

We decided to get a nice hot lunch at The Cracker Barrel where Dad surprised us by ordering everyone a hot cocoa. Yum! When we got done with lunch the storm had passed and we heard the Thunderbirds overhead. Just our luck. Next time we'll be sure to see them fly.
After that it was on to Logan for the weekend. We visited grandparents and attended the Petersen Reunion in Hyrum. We didn't know very many people but they had a fabulous traditional Danish lunch. After some DNA testing, it turns out that the Petersens might NOT, in fact, be descended from the King of Denmark (gasp!). This is something that some Petersens hold near and dear to their heart. Hopefully the scandal can get sorted out soon. I'd hate to find out that we aren't royalty after all!

While in Logan we enjoyed  playing at Ryan's Place Park (even Uncle Daren came to play) and going on a little hike with Grandma K. up Providence canyon. The boys (including Justin) thought it was fun to see how far they could jump over the river. I thought it was fun photographing them. There is more room at Grandma K.'s house to stay now. Aunt Jodi and the boys had been living there for almost a year but they recently moved to Arizona. We missed playing with David and Jack and seeing baby Ryan. Ezra asked me, "Where'd the boy cousins go?"
And congrats to Grandma K.: she and Jon are engaged! We're excited for their wedding over Labor Day weekend. I'm so happy that Grandma K. will be living in Salt Lake City soon! It's funny that my boys will now have another Grandpa Jon. They already have two Grandma Kathis (one spelled with a "y") and a Grandma Karen and Aunt Karen.

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