Thursday, October 25, 2012

Chit Chat

I gave Nolan a squeeze after school today and told him, "I miss you while you're at Kindergarten." (This is a self-esteem booster; Kindergarten isn't actually long enough to truly miss him!) He smiled and accepted my hug.
But Ezra was in the other room listening and he said, "Mom, I miss you when you're in my tummy."
I chuckled and said, "You're funny, Ezra." He looked a little embarrassed and then said, "I mean... I miss you when you're at Zumba!"


Lacey said...

LOL!! I love those little boys! Love the funny things they say, love their cute little faces, and love the fun little adventures they seem to find to do! Who knew jumping off a stool could be so much fun!

Lawrence Family said...

Hahahah...Zumba...tummy...easy to mix those up!!!! Stool jumping....they are so easily entertained...I love it!