Thursday, February 14, 2013

100 Day

The kindergartners celebrated their 100th day of school recently. Nolan had to count 100 items to take in a baggie and show his classmates. He chose to take Lego pieces... very fitting for him. It was a big event at school with lots of counting and snacks. I laughed out loud when I saw this picture that Nolan came home with. It is called "What I will look like when I am 100 years old." I don't know if he thought of drawing a gravestone on his own, but it was so funny to me that he drew that instead of an old man. I guess he's a realist!
In other news, we had a fun pizza picnic party last weekend. We threw down a big tablecloth and watched a movie while eating in the family room (gasp!). Usually we only have "cleaner" food in there (though the room still always seems full of crumbs anyway). It was a fun time, complete with root beer floats. That's what happens when we send Dad to the store... he comes home with a few more extras than Mom!

We also recently visited the dinosaur museum at Thanksgiving Park. It was our first time and the boys loved it! I was fed up with the snow and gray skies, so I knew I had to get the kids (and myself) out of the house. We stopped at IKEA and I picked up some things, so I had fun too. The best part of the museum were the hands-on exhibits where the kids used paint brushes to uncover buried dinosaur bones, and the wet sand area where they created rivers and lakes for the dinosaur figurines. What a perfect place for my boys, especially Nolan, who has been saying for the past year that he wants to be a paleontologist. 


terrah said...

We love Thanksgiving Point (of course it doesn't hurt that we live so close to it). We have a pass and can get guests in for 50% off if you ever want to meet us there and get a discount!

Camey said...

Spencer took legos for his 100th day too. I am so excited you are having a girl. I feel like I haven't talked to you in ages!