Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Temple Visit

For family home evening last night we went to the St. George temple to walk around. Grandma Sherri  came too, but Dad is at home working to get over a cold. While at the temple we looked at the Christus statue and talked a little about the prints in His hands. Ezra was very concerned and said, "That would hurt. Did they poke him with a pencil?" We talked some more and I explained that Christ died because he loves us so much. Ezra said, "I want to climb up there and give him a hug." I told him he couldn't climb up and Ez said, "But I love him so much! I wish He was real." I'm so glad He's real, even though we can't see Him. I think my little boys feel that at times, too.

1 comment:

Monica said...

That is sweet. What a cherish conversation - even if you had to keep him from climbing up the statue.