Friday, July 5, 2013

Why June 27th?

This will be a boring post, but it's mostly for me to remember the last days going into Lucy's delivery. 
Originally I "signed on" to be induced one week early. However, I had some really tough days with the boys and I decided to call the doctor and cancel my appointment. Then late on the evening of June 25th, I started having lots of contractions. They started coming two minutes apart and after about 2 hours, I was in some real pain. The funny thing is that around the same time we discovered our power was out in our bedroom/bathroom and the smoke detectors. It's always something with the smoke detectors! So Justin was running around the house checking the breakers, smoke alarms, and trying to get it back on. Wherever he went, I basically followed him as I was keeping track of contractions. It was a lot of going up and down the stairs. At one point we even called the hospital to see when they would admit me. They said to come when I am having to breath heavy through contractions. Finally around 1:30 in the morning, we gave up on the power and decided to rest. What a crazy night! I was laying in bed thinking, "I'm starting to have to breath through these contractions. This is labor... I'm never going to be able to sleep through this." But next thing I knew, I woke up at 3 a.m. and pretty much everything had slowed. I got up and walked around, even took a shower and paced the floor while reading a book. Nothing! I could not believe how it could stop so fast. What a disappointment! BUT... I do feel like I know what going into labor on my own would feel like, because I know I was really close. I think that if I hadn't decided to lay down it would have progressed. 

The great news was that I went to the doctor the next day and I was about 3 cm. I've never dilated on my own that much! At least it was progress. The doctor asked if I wanted my membranes stripped and I said no thanks. I really didn't want another sleepless night of labor (whether false or real); now I was ready to be induced. Justin was with me and we asked if the 27th was still an option. Our doctor got on the phone and called the hospital and said, "I just want to check and see if Kenzee Petersen is still on the books for tomorrow morning?" Well, it turns out that he never cancelled the induction because he figured that I would change my mind again! We scrambled to make arrangements for the boys to be babysat (Grandma K. and Aunt Lacey were so ready and willing to help) and then got everything in order for the big day. It felt good to know that we'd be going into the birth a little more well-rested (as well-rested as you can when you have to be at the hospital at 5:30 a.m.). And by the way, we could never figure out the problem with the breaker on our own. Justin called an electrician and he found the problem in an outlet that afternoon. Luckily we never had any smoke detectors going off while we slept. 

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